
Anexo Group

Anexo (LSE:ANX)

61 Views18 Dec 2023 09:57
  • Anexo (LSE:ANX) operates in the UK under 2 primary divisions being the provision of replacement vehicles to those involved in a non-fault accident under a credit-hire arrangement (trading as EDGE), and the subsequent attempt to recover through the legal system these hire charges and repair costs through its Bond Turner subsidiary.

  • It has other sub-divisions including a medical legal agency named PALS, after the event (ATE) insurance administration under IGCA and more recently, it’s housing disrepair division where it deals predominately with social housing mould and damp claims.

  • In addition to the ordinary course of business, Anexo is also acting on behalf of 10’s of thousands of claimants against several vehicle manufacturers for diesel emissions cases in the wake of the high-profile Volkswagen emissions scandal where they had violated the Clean Air Act by installing illegal software into their diesel vehicles.

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  • Anexo (LSE:ANX)
    18 Dec 2023