Since Edison’s last note, Lepidico (LPD) has announced the assay results of an additional six exploration holes at Alvarrões in Portugal. The holes confirm lepidolite mineralisation over 900m along strike and 500m down-dip. Significantly, in our opinion, hole ALVD018 extends the known mineralisation by more than 200m down-dip from the current mining face in Block 3 and is indicative of continuity between Blocks 1 and 3. As a result, whereas we had previously estimated a resource at Alvarrões in the order of 0.7-2.3Mt of mineralised material at a grade of 1.10-1.13% Li2O, with an in-situ value (on achieving JORC-compliance) of US$0.5-1.6m (see our note, Drilling tees up Q3/Q4 mineral resource estimate, published on 11 September), this has now increased to 0.7-4.4Mt at 1.13%, with an in-situ value of US$0.5-3.1m, with increased confidence in the higher number. Note that a formal mineral resource estimate for Block 1 is expected from Alvarrões later this month.
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