Union Bank Of India

Union Bank Of India (UNBK IN)

Union Bank of India Limited provides a full range of banking services throughout India. The Company's activities include retail banking, commercial and personal banking, investment management, treasury and NRI services, cash management and assorted ATM facilities. Union Bank has an online tele-banking facility for all its core banking customers.
06 Apr 2021 20:24

Bajaj Finance – Who’s Kidding Whom?

BAJAJ FINANCE: Bajaj gave a FY 4Q21 update on AUM; customer acquisition; and deposit growth. No disclosure on how it will deal with India's worst...

bearishHDFC Bank
05 Apr 2021 21:29

HDFC Bank – Update Does Little To Quell Fears

HDFC BANK: HDFCB released a FY 4Q21 balance sheet update. HDFCB tried to place a positive spin on its lending and deposit share gain update....

05 Apr 2021 03:16

India Financials – Extending Emergency Relief

INDIA FINANCIALS: The Indian government announced that it will be extending the ECLGS window for three additional months, allowing the local banks...

24 Mar 2021 23:32

Reserve Bank of India – Heads You Win, Tails I Lose

RESERVE BANK OF INDIA: The Supreme Court rejected pleas for a complete waiver of interest on loans under moratorium. Nevertheless, the Indian...

22 Mar 2021 02:45

Kotak Mahindra Bank – Failing To Answer The Hard Questions

KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK: On a recent call, KMB spoke of macro recovery. KMB’s is not exhibiting any sign of recovery as net new NPLs increased 122.8%.
