SK Hynix

SK Hynix (000660 KS)

Information TechnologySouth Korea
SK Hynix Inc. provides products and services for the electronic components industry. The Company manufactures semiconductors, such as dynamic random access memory (DRAM), NAND flash memory, and static random access memory (SRAM) chips.
bullishSK Hynix
02 Jul 2024 05:01Syndicated

Tech Supply Chain Tracker (02-Jul-2024): India boosts smartphone exports with iPhone manufacturers.

India's smartphone exports increase thanks to iPhone makers, Xiphera advances quantum security, Ola Electric leads in solid-state batteries, SK...

bullishSK Hynix
10 May 2024 05:01Syndicated

Tech Supply Chain Tracker (10-May-2024): Samsung and LG launch new gaming/ AI monitors in market recovery.

Samsung, LG, Tata, Arm, Saudi fund, SK Hynix, and Toyota are all making strategic moves in gaming monitors, self-driving vehicles, semiconductor...

bullishSK Hynix
02 May 2024 18:11Syndicated

Tech Supply Chain Tracker (02-May-2024): Global changes affect Taiwan-China relations; business strategies evolve.

Geopolitical shifts affect Taiwanese businesses in China, leading to strategic adjustments; CHPT anticipates increased probe card orders, SK Hynix...

12 Jun 2024 05:01Syndicated

Tech Supply Chain Tracker (12-Jun-2024): AI aids sustainability but poses environmental challenges.

AI is driving sustainability and innovation, but comes with environmental risks, while tech giants like Nvidia, AMD, Google, and Apple are making...

04 Jun 2024 05:01Syndicated

Tech Supply Chain Tracker (04-Jun-2024): Chinese semiconductors & tech.

China's semiconductor industry advances as SK Hynix leads in innovation, AMD releases new processors, Indian startup FermionIC aims for market...
