Post & Telecommunication Joint (PTI VN)

Post and Telecommunication Joint Stock Insurance Corporation offers various insurance products and services to individual customers and corporate clients in Vietnam. The company primarily provides motor vehicle, personal, technical property, and marine insurance, as well as health and personal accident, cargo, general liability, fire, business loss, satellite, aviation, and boat insurance services. It also offers reinsurance and third party reimbursement services; and invests in government and corporate bonds, and stocks, as well as engages in real estate business. Post and Telecommunication Joint Stock Insurance Corporation is headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam.
05 Dec 2016 05:05

Overview of Opportunities in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Norway

Norway, Colombia, and Nigeria Amid Low Oil PricesThe low oil price environment since late 2014 has put varying levels of strain on oil exporting...

10 Oct 2016 13:45

Non-Life Insurance in Vietnam: The Best Way to Ensure a Strong Return

Strong Economy/Rising Stock Market ValuationIn many ways, Vietnam is like a perfect market created out of thin air, with strong and consistent...

08 Jun 2016 16:03

Vietnam's Real Estate Industry Is on Fire

A strong weighting in listed real estate equity is ideal for a portfolio in Vietnam, as the country's rapidly increasing FDI has been strongly...

27 May 2016 01:38

Nothing Can Trump Vietnam: Assessing the TPP and Other Geopolitical Risks/Opportunities

This insight covers the political implications of U.S President Barack Obama's visit to Vietnam, political opposition to the TPP, potential...

28 Apr 2016 11:48

Strategically Avoiding Vietnam's Thorns: Investment Implications

This insight focuses on investment implications after examining Vietnam's major economic challenges, with a primary focus on Vietnam's...
