Pacific Basin Shipping

Pacific Basin Shipping (2343 HK)

IndustrialsHong Kong
Pacific Basin Shipping Limited, through its subsidiaries, provides marine transportation services and logistical support to its customers through the commercial operation of a large, modern, and uniformly-sized fleet of shallow-draft Handysize dry bulk carriers.
20 Mar 2018 10:02

Frankenstein WACCs. False Idols of Equity, Debt (And Shipping Interview with Sr. Investor)

I recently witnessed a typical mistake in using EV (enterprise value; short form, market cap + net debt), where the author used it interchangeably...

28 Feb 2018 20:13

Quick Takeaways Pacific Basin '17 Results Conference Call

A good Conference call from Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd (2343 HK) in Hong Kong this afternoon. In all, about eight questions followed Management's...

23 Feb 2018 09:13

What’s Sort of Missing from the Diana Shipping Results (...Waiting for Pac Basin 28 Feb)

We don’t think Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd (2343 HK) will be facing the same issues as Diana Shipping Inc (DSX US) just gingerly walked through. But...

22 Feb 2018 15:12

Dry Bulk Shipping - Recovery to Normalise in 2018

After a strong freight rate rally in 2017, which also rubbed on stock prices, we have seen a significant correction in the recent past as the BDI...

05 Jan 2018 10:24

Pacific Basin Business Model, A Review After Meeting Management

Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd (2343 HK) (PB) has come a long way from de-listing from the NYSE upon sale to MISC in 1998, and re-listing in HK in...
