Medinet Co Ltd (2370 JP): Full-year FY09/24 flash update
Sales increased by 16.2% YoY to JPY769mn, driven by growth in Specified Cell Products and CDMO Businesses. The company forecasts FY09/25 sales of...
Medinet Co Ltd (2370 JP): Q3 FY09/24 flash update
Sales increased by 19.8% YoY to JPY589mn, while operating, recurring, and net losses narrowed compared to Q3 FY09/23. Gross profit rose 52.4% YoY...
Medinet (2370 JP) - Natural Partner for Immuno-Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine in Japan
Enactment of, the “Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine” and the “Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices” (PMD Act) in November 2014 has...
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