Jasmine Telecom Systems

Jasmine Telecom Systems (JTS TB)

Information TechnologyThailand
Jasmine Telecom Systems PCL provides a wide range of telecommunications services and equipment. The Company leases submarine fiber optic cable network and provides satellite telecommunications, Internet and satellite-based mobile communications services. Jasmine also supplies, designs, and installs telecommunication and computer networks, including other peripheral equipment.
24 Sep 2016 21:11

Jasmine Investigations...No Pain, No Gain

This morning, the financial news on TV (World Economic News Channel 19 Spring News) said that securities regulators are investigating Jasmine with...

22 Sep 2016 20:54

A Rose by Any Name...How About Jasmine?

Jasmine has been on the hidelines for a few days. It appears we probably made a mistake by selling the the stock at Bt7.25/sh, even though we did...

20 Sep 2016 15:41

The Sweet Smell of Jasmine

Around last month, we mentioned in the forked review that Jasmine was worth close to Bt8/sh based on our previous works at a top regional house....
