Exxon Mobil

Exxon Mobil (XOM US)

EnergyUnited States
Exxon Mobil Corporation operates petroleum and petrochemicals businesses on a worldwide basis. The Company's operations include exploration and production of oil and gas, electric power generation, and coal and minerals operations. Exxon Mobil also manufactures and markets fuels, lubricants, and chemicals.
06 Jan 2017 23:21

Silicon Stories#2: The E-Power Revolution

While most renewable energy stocks in Thailand (SUPER, DEMCO) are overvalued in our view, it is worthwhile to note the technological advances in...

bearishCP ALL PCL
04 Jan 2017 14:50

CP All on Rex Tillerson

 The East-West Collision Course. Today on the local World & Economic Times program on Spring News Channel 11, Professor Manarangsan gave an...

28 Dec 2016 07:52

Trump Not Likely to Halt Decline of US. But Ray Dalio Makes Good Case in Bringing Back Ayn Rand

I was working on a bigger piece on HK vs Singapore which I will put out later, and reviewing political classifications of economies, when I saw a...

19 Dec 2016 23:09

2017 Asset Allocation Outlook – Part 2: Trump Reflation Euphoria to Fade?

The overwhelming investor consensus a year ago was for further EM/commodity downside amid deflation fears - this year it is a USD secular bull and...

13 Dec 2016 11:01

🎺The Maritime Honours List 2016🎺

🎺🎺🎺 The Maritime Honours List 2016 🎺🎺🎺As we near the end of the year, global markets are on a high despite China, Korea, Brexit, Trump, Italy and...
