Deutsche Post

Deutsche Post (DHL GR)

Deutsche Post AG provides mail delivery and other services to the public and businesses. The Company offers domestic mail delivery, international parcel and mail delivery services, and freight delivery and logistics services.
25 Jan 2017 18:09

DFRS Tanker Shipping Outlook 2017 - Returns Unlikely Before 2018, Further Dividend Cuts Likely

DFRS Tanker Shipping Outlook 2017 - Returns Unlikely Before 2018, Further Dividend Cuts LikelyDeclining vessel earnings, diminishing dividends and...

24 Jan 2017 22:06

DFRS Dry Bulk Shipping Outlook 2017 - Returns Front Ended, Normalisation in the Price

DFRS Dry Bulk Shipping Outlook 2017 - Returns Front Ended, Normalisation in the PriceNormalisation in the price, what next for the dry bulk...

19 Jan 2017 08:51

DFRS Container Shipping Outlook 2017 - Return to Profitability

DFRS Container Shipping Outlook 2017 - Return to Profitability The gradual recovery in freight markets is a much-needed and positive development...

12 Jan 2017 08:49

Growing Urban Population and Air Travel to Benefit Aircraft Industry

Growing urban population is expected to be one of the key factors contributing to increasing number of air travel. Consequently, this is expected...

10 Jan 2017 17:33

DFRS Shipping Outlook 2017 - Returns Set for a Comeback

“Capital Returns” benchmarked to shipping In our DFRS Shipping Outlook 2017, we benchmark our shipping investments thesis to "Capital Returns:...
