MSCI ACWI’s Advance Continues: U.S. And Emerging Markets Leading the Way
The MSCI ACWI advanced to another new high yesterday - to levels not seen since mid-March with the U.S. and Emerging Markets leading the move....
Global Capital Trends In Real Estate In 2016
Three quick takeaways from the annual 2016 data on commercial property sales transactions - income producing assets in office, retail, industrial,...
4 Months After Brexit - Currency Impact Tables For International Property Investors
We have updated our currency impact tables 'post-Brexit' for USD, EUR, JPY, AUD, GBP, and CNY. We make a simple assumption that a property investor...
90 Days After Brexit - Currency Impact Tables For International Property Investors
We have updated our currency impact tables 'post-Brexit' for USD, EUR, JPY, AUD, GBP and CNY. We make a simple assumption that a property investor...
The Brexit Vote Result Means Additional Headwinds ForJapanese Banks
The Brexit vote result is a clear negative for independent investment banks, and major banks with sizable crossborder transaction flows to a lesser...
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