Danaher Corp

Danaher Corp (DHR US)

IndustrialsUnited States
Danaher Corporation designs, manufactures and markets professional, medical, industrial and commercial products and services in the sectors of test and measurement, environmental, life sciences, dental, and industrial technologies.
20 Jan 2016 06:44

Triangulating Oil Back to 60s (And Shipping Credit Watch Updates...)

My father, an old school broker, banker and adviser for over 40 years, used to tell me as a child that one of the most important relationships to...

18 Jan 2016 08:26

Tanker Shipping-2016 - Moderation Likely but It Ain't over Yet, The Preferred Investment In Shipping

Moderation likely but it ain't over yet Source: Bloomberg, DMER The uptrend in share prices that started in the tail end of FY14 continued in 2015...

13 Jan 2016 13:06

Dry Bulk Shipping - 2016 - Falling Knife Disguised as Pocket of Value ?

2015: Investors catch a falling knife disguised as pocket of value Source: Bloomberg, DMER Investors suffered massive wealth erosion in 2015, as...

10 Dec 2015 23:22

Further Insight on History of Big Misses in Oil and Energy (Long Response)

As a response to my note yesterday on where we are in energy's long bottoming out process, we had a good long reply from a long time energy...
