Credit Suisse Group

Credit Suisse Group (CS US)

Credit Suisse Group AG operates as a wealth management firm. The Company specializes in investment banking and offers wealth management activities aiming to capitalize on both the large pool of wealth within mature markets, as well as the significant growth in wealth in Asia Pacific and other emerging markets. Credit Suisse Group serves customers worldwide.
16 Apr 2021 05:38

Sberbank of Russia – Dealing With New Sanctions

SBERBANK: The Biden administration announced a series of sanctions against Russia, which leaves the country on the verge of being tossed out of...

15 Apr 2021 22:21

J.P Morgan Chase & Co. – Well On Track

JP MORGAN CHASE: JPM 1Q21 bottom-line results increased 18.4% linked quarter due to principal transactions and provision reversals. This should...

11 Apr 2021 16:42

Bank Credit Weekly: Repositioning Opportunity from Carry-Trade Unwind as the Treasury Curve Flattens

A confluence of thin volumes, trading holidays and technicals flattened the US rate curve. Bank credit underperformed in a carry-trade unwind. This...

bearishCredit Suisse
06 Apr 2021 23:48

Credit Suisse: Skating on a Thin Layer of Capital

CS is skating on thin ice from a capital perspective while its risk management blade is dulled. Asset bubbles could crack the ice. A loss of less...

04 Apr 2021 23:59

Bank Credit Weekly: Employment Numbers Confirm a Hot US Economy

Strong US employment figures may push yields higher as we start the week. Thereafter, rising virus versus vaccine issues may impact market...
