Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam

Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (VCB VN)

Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam provides banking products and services for individuals, corporates, and financial institutions in Vietnam and internationally. The company accepts personal and savings accounts; and business accounts, such as current accounts, and time and special deposit products. Its loan products comprise personal loans; and short-term lending, working capital financing, project finance, and trade finance products. In addition, the company offers various cards; account services, including demand and term deposit accounts, fund management, and auto-investment services; and money transfer, bancassurance, payments and cash management, foreign exchange and treasury, international payments, guarantees, investment banking, asset management, correspondent banking, factoring, financial and office leasing, securities, and remittance services. Further, it provides electronic banking services, such as Internet, mobile, SMS, and phone banking services, as well as VCB-Money, VCB-eTour, and VCB-eTopup services. As of December 31, 2014, the company operated 89 branches, 351 transaction offices, and 1 representative office. Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam was founded in 1963 and is headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam.
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