Indusind Bank

Indusind Bank (IIB IN)

IndusInd Bank Limited is a Mumbai-based Indian new generation bank established in 1994. The Bank provides a range of banking and financial services including wholesale banking, credit monitoring, risk management, tele-banking, investment banking and commercial lending. IndusInd Bank operates branches throughout India as well as an office in Dubai and London.
11 Oct 2020 03:10

Bank Credit Weekly: Risk-On as US Election and Stimulus Outlooks Sharpen

A concise must-read on US$-risk sentiment derived from equity markets, rates, issuance, dollar levels and capital flows to frame near term Asia...

08 Oct 2020 16:42

India-Headquartered Banks: Stable Deposits and Costs 1-Year After the Yes Bank Silent Run

Approximately one-year ago, India-headquartered Yes Bank began to experience a silent run on its deposits. To mark this inauspicious anniversary,...

06 Oct 2020 01:07

Reserve Bank of India - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

* RBI Failure To Think Through Moratorium Leads To Continued Uncertainty for India: On September 3, 2020, the Supreme Court of India held a hearing...

bullishICICI Bank Ltd
16 Sep 2020 00:31

ICICI Bank – Insurance Waiver In Reality Is Capital Forbearance

*Ownership Waiver Received On Insurance: On September 14th, ICICI Bank (ICICIBC.IN) [ICICI] announced that it had received an exemption on...

14 Sep 2020 04:13

Reserve Bank of India – Toothless Tiger

* RBI Failure To Think Through Moratorium Leads To Continued Uncertainty for India: On September 3, 2020, the Supreme Court of India held a hearing...
