Event-Driven and Index Rebalance

Weekly Top Ten Event-Driven and Index Rebalance – Mar 23, 2025

This weekly newsletter pulls together summaries of the top ten most-read Insights across Event-Driven and Index Rebalance on Smartkarma.

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1. The Japan March-End Rebal and Dividend Trade

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • Every year it’s the same trade. But sometimes it is not. This year it is Thursday and Friday. Or not.
  • The month-end and quarter-end bring big flows, or not, depending on how things have gone.
  • Over the past 10 years or so, the two-day return on the March trade is pretty good. This year? Well read on!

2. HKBN (1310 HK): MBK Ups Stake Via VLN Conversion

By David Blennerhassett, Quiddity Advisors

  • China Mobile (941 HK) has made a pre-conditional HK$5.23/share voluntary Offer for HKBN Ltd (1310 HK). However, a possible separate Offer from I Squared continues to make the news. 
  • In an unusual move, MBK, via Twin Holding, has converted HK$970.5mn of VLNs, at a whopping HK$11.60/share conversion price, lifting MBK’s stake to 16.39% on a fully diluted basis.
  • Speculation is rife that MBK provides an irrevocable to I Squared for its enlarged shareholding. Maybe. I still don’t see China supporting a U.S.-based infrastructure firm over an SOE .

3. [Activism Japan] Proto Corp (4298 JP) – Kaname Capital Files an Injunction? Bold Strategy, Cotton…

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • Late on the 17th, Proto Corp (4298 JP) released a filing to the TSE saying activist-ish investor and objector to the current MBO, Kaname Capital, had filed an injunction.
  • The injunction suit against two directors says procedures were unfair and the decision violated the duty of due care. They ask the Court to rule the directors halt support and…
  • …that the MBO actor YOKOYAMA Hiroichi not terminate the offer on 21 March 2025. Injunction filings against directors for Tender Offers are rare for a reason.

4. Ramelius/Spartan Merger: MergeCo Close to ASX100 Index Inclusion

By Brian Freitas, Periscope Analytics

5. Maynilad Water (MYNLD PM): Index Inclusion Timing for a Large Philippines IPO

By Brian Freitas, Periscope Analytics

  • Maynilad Water Services (MYNLD PH) is looking to raise up to US$860m by selling shares at ₱20/share, valuing the company at US$2.82bn.
  • The market cap and free float will depend on the number of shares sold in the IPO and whether the shares in the upsize option are primary or secondary shares.
  • Global index inclusions should take place in November and December, while Philippines Stock Exchange PSEi Index (PCOMP INDEX) inclusion could take place in August 2026.

6. DN Solutions IPO: Index Inclusion Timing Depends on Lock-Up Expiry Schedule

By Brian Freitas, Periscope Analytics

  • DN Solutions (298440 KS) is looking to raise up to KRW 1,573bn (US$1.08bn), valuing the company at KRW 5.66 trillion (US$3.9bn) at the top end of the IPO price range.
  • The highest probability of DN Solutions being added to the KOSPI200 Index is at the June 2026 rebalance. The stock needs to move 60% higher to be added in December 2025.
  • Inclusion in global indices could commence in August/November and will depend on institutional investor lock-up schedules. Flows are small unless the stock moves higher and is included in bigger indices.

7. Canvest (1381 HK): Get Involved

By David Blennerhassett, Quiddity Advisors

  • After SAFE gave the green light on the 19th Feb, I estimated only a week was required to secure the (strangely) outstanding internal guarantees. It took a frustrating three-and-a-half weeks.
  • Nevertheless, all pre-cons are now done. Canvest Environmental (1381 HK)‘s Scheme Document is expected to be dispatched or before the 25th April. 
  • Assuming the Scheme gets up – and it will – expect payment around the 20th June. This is done.

8. ENN Energy (2688 HK): ENN Natural Gas to Launch a Privatisation Offer?

By Arun George, Global Equity Research Ltd

  • ENN Energy (2688 HK) is in a trading halt “pending the issuance of an announcement pursuant to the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers containing inside information of the Company.” 
  • ENN Natural Gas (600803 CH), also in a trading halt, is likely seeking to privatise ENN through a Cayman scheme. A high AGM minority participation necessitates an attractive offer.
  • I use several methods to triangulate the likely offer price, which suggests a price range of HK$66.50-85.01, with an average of HK$76.04, a 28% premium to the last close.

9. Makino Milling Machine (6135 JP): Proposes Countermeasures

By Arun George, Global Equity Research Ltd

  • The Makino Milling Machine Co (6135 JP) Board has proposed introducing countermeasures to nudge Nidec Corp (6594 JP) to delay the start of the tender to 9 May. 
  • The countermeasure was likely needed to facilitate a competing offer rather than force Nidec to provide the required information and delay the start (Nidec is still evaluating the request).
  • Nidec’s offer at current terms has a low chance of success, necessitating revised terms. The Board claims that there is a sufficient probability of a competing proposal.

10. EcoNavista (5585 JP) – Takeover By Eisai (4523)

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • EcoNaviSta (5585 JP) has a couple of interesting product lines and platforms. That makes it attractive, and scalable. Synergies to a big buyer are reasonably obvious.
  • Eisai Co Ltd (4523 JP) is that big buyer, having decided to be interested last summer. I could imagine others could be interested too. The tech has uses.
  • For the moment, it is a high EV/Revenue bid on an interesting small company. The chairman, cross-holders, directors, and a couple of financial institutions own 66+%. But…