Event-Driven and Index Rebalance

Weekly Top Ten Event-Driven and Index Rebalance – Mar 16, 2025

This weekly newsletter pulls together summaries of the top ten most-read Insights across Event-Driven and Index Rebalance on Smartkarma.

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1. Rio Tinto (RIO AU/RIO LN): Unification Index Flows

By Brian Freitas, Periscope Analytics

  • At the upcoming AGM, Rio Tinto Ltd and Rio Tinto PLC shareholders will vote on the company commencing a review on the benefits vs costs of Unification.
  • Palliser Capital has been pushing for Unification while the Rio Tinto Board has recommended that shareholders vote against Resolution 21/24 citing tax costs among other reasons.
  • If the Unification completes, S&P/ASX trackers will need to buy Rio Tinto Ltd (RIO AU) while UKX Index (UKX INDEX) trackers will sell Rio Tinto PLC (RIO LN). Net positive.

2. 7&I (3382) Update – Couche-Tard Responds

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

3. 7&I (3382) – Artisan Writes (Again) And 7&I Updates (Again) – More Positive Outlook Now

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • On Thursday 6 March we got a Nikkei article then a company announcement for Seven & I Holdings (3382 JP)‘s proposed management measures and update on ACT Bid Process.  
  • It involved Isaka-san stepping down, Stephen Dacus stepping up, selling York to Bain for ¥814.7bn, IPOing 7-Eleven US, a ¥2trln share buyback over 5yrs, and ACT process update. 
  • It was OK. Good, bad, and ugly. But Artisan wrote a letter over the weekend and 7&i responded and suddenly, their concerns are mostly addressed and the outlook is different.

4. Rio Tinto (RIO AU/LN): Shareholders To Vote On Merits Of Unification

By David Blennerhassett, Quiddity Advisors

  • Palliser Capital, which reportedly holds ~$300mn in Rio Tinto Ltd (RIO AU/LN) shares across its dual-head structure, has campaigned for near-on a year to unify the primary listing in Australia.
  • Palliser’s reasonings (and others) to unify make sense, such as access to stock-based mergers and eliminating franking wastage. A recent independent assessment from Grant Thornton is also supportive of unification.
  • Shareholders will vote on the resolution on 3rd April  for UK-listed shares and 1st May for Australian-listed shares. The UK line holds the key to the vote outcome.

5. Proto Corp (4298 JP) – Activists Getting More Activish, Watch for Position Changes?

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • The MBO for Proto Corp (4298 JP) where the founder/chair is buying out from minorities is being done at the wrong price. His reasons are good, but not for minorities.
  • One large foreign shareholder – the second largest shareholder of the firm – has offered substantial pushback in the form of a letter asking for discussions. That went nowhere.
  • So now they have come out harder. The solution here is a really big bump or a broken deal if investors keep the share price above the TOB price.

6. [Activism Japan] Nissan Tokyo Sales (8291) Gets An ‘Outsourced Activist’ but the Value Prop Remains

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • On 12 March 2025, a minor Twitter account @nanahoshiuk started in January announced a website shiftnissantokyo.com where they point out the value proposition in Nissan Tokyo Sales (8291 JP)
  • The writeup is by a UK company led by a young man with an equity-investing career, some experience at an activist shop, who now runs a “Shareholder Activism Outsourcing Service.”
  • The content sounds familiar to my piece in December, has a few unpolished edges, but clearly points out the value proposition. The stock deserves a re-visit. My comments are below.

7. CK Hutch (1 HK): Still Trading Cheap

By David Blennerhassett, Quiddity Advisors

  • To avoid a political landmine, on the 4th March CK Hutchison Holdings (1 HK)  announced a deal with Blackrock to offload its entire port ops, including the contentious Panama ports.
  • It’s an astute deal selling to a buyer, ostensibly backed by the Trump administration, at the top of the market, knowing global trade could fall under a new tariff regime.
  • The risk to the transaction is one of timing. US/Panama approvals are a shoo-in. But it’s a complex deal, which will take time to work through the system.

8. Seven & I Holdings (3382 JP): Reading Between the Lines of the Public Letter

By Arun George, Global Equity Research Ltd

  • The Seven & I Holdings (3382 JP) Board has released a public letter to address Artisan Partners’ letter and provide more details on the Alimentation Couche-Tard (ATD CN) constructive engagement. 
  • The letter effectively addresses most of Artisan’s concerns. The Board is engaging with Couche-Tard, particularly by agreeing on a strategy to find a solution to secure antitrust approvals. 
  • However, the statement suggests that the Board retains deep scepticism that the Couche-Tard is viable and is manoeuvring to shift the blame on a failed bid on a flawed proposal. 

9. Properly Interpreting Korea’s Stock Borrow Data for Short Selling

By Sanghyun Park, Clepsydra Capital

  • Local instos borrow from brokers or peers, KSD collects and cleans the data, then KOFIA reports stock borrow balances daily with a two-day lag.
  • Offshore borrows via EquiLend or PB deals don’t show up—KSD reporting only covers local institution-to-institution stock loans.
  • Assume 60% of reported borrow balance is real shortable ammo—adjusting for this helps filter out noise in short positioning.

10. Baudroie (4413 JP) – Fast Growth, Prime Promotion, and TOPIX Inclusion

By Travis Lundy, Quiddity Advisors

  • In late November of 2024, Baudroie (4413 JP) announced it would try to move to TSE Prime and that day they announced a 2.76mm share secondary offering and a buyback.
  • The buyback was a bit less than a quarter of the offering. Fast forward 3mos and in early March the company announced it would move to Prime. Yesterday it did.
  • That puts the company in line for a TOPIX inclusion in end-April , and likely other index effects later. In the meantime, earnings and guidance are out ~10 April.