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Rare earth mining

China’s Rare Earths Threat Means Business for These Two Companies

By | General

Much of the trade war talk recently has concentrated on China’s threat to stop exporting rare earths to the US, as the tit-for-tat between the world’s two biggest economies marches on.

This has not only rattled the markets and prompted mass “rare earths” searches on Google; it’s also driven investor interest towards rare earth processing companies outside of China.

As things stand, China accounts for roughly 80 percent of global rare earth mineral supply and one-third of the world’s rare earth reserves. If the country decides to curb the supply of these minerals, it’s bad news for sectors running the gamut from automotive to consumer electronics.

But there are players around the world ready to seize the opportunity.

The Struggle for Light Rare Earths

In the event that China battens down the hatches, other countries and processing companies will try to pick up the slack. But it’s also important not to underestimate the significance of China’s contribution to the sector.

“Most investors completely misunderstand the potential predicament surrounding a [rare earth element] embargo,” writes Gaius King on Smartkarma. “The myriad causation effects it would inevitably have on modern life, and the impact on certain industries, such as non-Chinese made [electric vehicles] and wind turbines, would be calamitous.”

According to King, pundits tend to liken the abundance of elements like chromium and nickel to that of light rare earth elements (LREE) like yttrium, lanthanum, and neodymium. This leads many to think China has much less leverage in this regard, as global demand could be covered elsewhere.

Read the full Insight by Gaius King: PM8 – The Perfect Foil to a Xi LREE Embargo

However, given the market’s increasing needs for certain applications, such as the production of magnets for electric car motors, global LREE supply will have trouble keeping up in less than a decade, King warns.

He further points out that a potential moratorium on LREE supply from China lends to volatility for elements like neodymium, whose price jumped more than 33 percent last week as the market got more jittery.

From Angola to Australia

So what are the alternatives for the US if China makes good on its threat? Currently, the largest deposits can be found at three other places: Longonjo, Angola; Mount Weld, Australia; and Mountain Pass, California.

The first two locations are being exploited by two companies: Pensana Metals (PM8) and Lynas Corp respectively. The two deposits can “partially make up some additional supply outside of Chinese sources,” according to King.

Looking at PM8’s viability, King notes that the Longonjo deposit is approximately half the grade of Mount Weld and not as attractive financially. Still, the analyst believes the company is making a lot of the right moves, even though it won’t be ready to start selling concentrates until end of 2021, if not later.

Pensana (PM8) rare earth deposits

Lynas, the Australian company managing the Mount Weld deposit, seems to be best placed to capitalise on a Chinese LREEs curb. The company is capable of processing concentrates – the other two locations need to rely on Chinese state-operated companies for processing, which complicates things. For California’s Mountain Pass especially, tariffs in place by the Trump administration are already raising costs.

On 20 May, Lynas announced a joint venture with US-based Blue Line, with the aim of building a rare earths processing facility in Texas. The partnership will “see that US companies have continued access to rare-earth products by offering a US-based source,” according to the official announcement.

But while there are plans for the proposed plant to include LREEs, the initial focus would be on heavy rare earth elements.

In a note about Lynas, Travis Lundy is optimistic about the company based on the opportunities the continuing trade war presents and on the expectation of renewing its operating licence in Malaysia (where Lynas does rare earth refining) – which happened early this week.

Read the full Insight by Travis Lundy: Trump Trade Means Lynas Capex Easier

While the fruits of the joint venture with Blue Line will take a while to ripen, a non-Chinese player with the right capacity and expertise could be attractive to western and Japanese companies looking to step around the trade war fallout, Lundy believes.

In fact, Lynas can benefit from customers and investors who want it to succeed and grow as a viable alternative to Chinese firms.

Whichever way a full-on ban of rare earth supply by China goes, the mere possibility will likely make the markets think harder about the viability of alternative rare earth sources.

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Brief China: Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) IPO Review – Better off Buying the Parent and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) IPO Review – Better off Buying the Parent
  2. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)

1. Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) IPO Review – Better off Buying the Parent


Dongzheng Automotive Finance (2718 HK) is raising up to US$428m in its upcoming IPO. We have covered the background of the company in Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) Pre-IPO Review – Dependent on Dealership Network for Growth

In this insight, we will look into the company’s valuation, compare it to listed auto peers, and run the deal through our framework.

2. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)


CanSino is a China-based biotechnology company with a focus on vaccine development. In our previous insight (link to Part 1 and Part 2), we have discussed CanSino’s drug pipeline, the competitive landscape, and the valuation. 

As the company is starting pre-marketing, we will provide an updated valuation based on new information obtained from the approved application document. Our base case valuation for CanSino is USD 856 million on a pre-money basis. Majority of the rNPV based SOTP valuation still comes from its meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV2 and MCV4). Over the past few months, the company has completed Phase III for MCV4 and submitted NDA (new drug application) for MCV2 candidates.

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Brief China: Nexon Sale: Bidding Pushed Back to Next Month – This Is All About Tencent and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Nexon Sale: Bidding Pushed Back to Next Month – This Is All About Tencent
  2. Shenwan Hongyuan IPO: Palatable at the Low-End IPO Price Range
  3. Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep.
  4. Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: No Reason for a Valuation Premium
  5. So-Young (新氧) Pre-IPO Review – Au Naturel

1. Nexon Sale: Bidding Pushed Back to Next Month – This Is All About Tencent


Korea’s news outlet Maeil Economic Daily reported yesterday that the main bidding of Nexon sale was pushed back to next month. It was originally planned for this month. Maeil said lower-than-expected interest among potential bidders was the main reason. More specifically, Tencent isn’t showing any serious commitment or intention.

Tencent is the key player in this event. But Tencent seems to be hiding its cards. Following are reasonable conclusions at this point wrt what must be going on in this deal:

  1. Tencent has the upper hand in all situations.
  2. Tencent must be the one who is taking more time and pushing back the schedule.
  3. But there is still a higher chance that Tencent will stay in this race to the end.
  4. But it is also very possible that final offer price will be lower than initially and currently expected as Tencent will likely get better deal conditions.

2. Shenwan Hongyuan IPO: Palatable at the Low-End IPO Price Range

Shenwan Hongyuan Group (H) (1707387D HK) seeks to raise IPO proceeds of $1.16-1.25 billion, which is down from its early indication of a $1.5 billion raise. The IPO was launched with 13 cornerstone investors representing 69% of the deal, at the mid-point of the IPO price range.

In our IPO initiation note, we pointed out that Shenwan Hongyuan’s fundamentals are reflective of a mid-tier firm struggling to stand out. Based on our relative valuation analysis, we would participate in the IPO at most at the low-end of the proposed IPO range.

3. Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep.

Agricultural Bank Of China (1288 HK) reported stolid numbers for 2018. A PH Score of 7.6 encapsulates positive change in variables such as Capitalisation, Asset Quality, Margin, Efficiency, and Provisioning though Profitability and Liquidity gauges slipped somewhat. The attractive valuation variable contributes to the score.

Underlying top-line growth of 8%, supported by low double-digit credit growth from moderate deposit expansion, was matched by OPEX increment.

The increase in Interest Income on earning Assets was relatively synchronised to the rise in Interest Expenses on interest-bearing Liabilities. 

We mention this as too often in China of late we have seen OPEX growth far outstripping underlying Income gains and Funding cost expansion rise well in excess of Interest Income growth.

Asset Quality was quite stable. Despite lingering SMLs and a double-digit rise in substandard Loans, NPLs actually decreased YoY. The bank though boosted Loan Loss Provisions by 40% YoY and Loan Loss reserve ratios were tightened. A monumental increase in Loan recoveries generated net negative charge-offs. This shows that the bank is pulling no punches with debtors.

Capitalisation ratios were fortified.

A concern would be the increased exposure to CRE which accounts for 31% of the Loan portfolio. This is the greatest risk in the grand scheme of things and has generated much comment given real estate values and the pace of appreciation. (Is a 5-6x increase since the creation of a private market so elevated? Prices are still well below levels of India).

Shares trade at an Earnings and Dividend Yield of 19% and 5.5%, at a P/Book of 0.7x, at a Franchise Valuation of 8%, and with a Total Return Ratio of 1.5x. Thus the bank can be deemed an Income opportunity.

4. Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: No Reason for a Valuation Premium


Shenwan Hongyuan started institutional book building today. We have covered the fundamentals of the company in our previous insight (Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: A Commoditized Broker Business). In this insight, we will discuss:

  • Valuation comparison with peers
  • A-H premium history of Chinese brokers
  • Key metrics of past Chinese brokers listing in the H-share market
  • Concerns of liquidity

5. So-Young (新氧) Pre-IPO Review – Au Naturel

Paying ratio has been improving paying ratio  chartbuilder

So-Young (SY US) is looking to raise US$150m in its upcoming IPO. The company filed its prospectus with the SEC on Monday.

The company operates online platforms (mobile, website, and WeChat mini program) for discovering, evaluating, and reserving medical aesthetic services in China. It helps medical aesthetic service providers acquire customers through user generated content and other creative content format.

In this insight, we will look at the company’s business model, analyze its financial and operating performance, review the competitive landscape and point out some questions for management.

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Brief China: Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) IPO Review – Better off Buying the Parent and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) IPO Review – Better off Buying the Parent
  2. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)
  3. Momo (MOMO): Paying Users Up 17%, Benefiting from Bankrupt Competitors, 80% Upside

1. Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) IPO Review – Better off Buying the Parent


Dongzheng Automotive Finance (2718 HK) is raising up to US$428m in its upcoming IPO. We have covered the background of the company in Dongzheng Auto Finance (东正汽车金融) Pre-IPO Review – Dependent on Dealership Network for Growth

In this insight, we will look into the company’s valuation, compare it to listed auto peers, and run the deal through our framework.

2. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)


CanSino is a China-based biotechnology company with a focus on vaccine development. In our previous insight (link to Part 1 and Part 2), we have discussed CanSino’s drug pipeline, the competitive landscape, and the valuation. 

As the company is starting pre-marketing, we will provide an updated valuation based on new information obtained from the approved application document. Our base case valuation for CanSino is USD 856 million on a pre-money basis. Majority of the rNPV based SOTP valuation still comes from its meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV2 and MCV4). Over the past few months, the company has completed Phase III for MCV4 and submitted NDA (new drug application) for MCV2 candidates.

3. Momo (MOMO): Paying Users Up 17%, Benefiting from Bankrupt Competitors, 80% Upside


  • The stock price has risen 32% after the short seller J Capital slammed it.
  • MOMO’s paying user base of live video increased 22% yoy in 3Q18 and 17% yoy in 4Q2018 even though the live show market shrank in 2018.
  • We believe MOMO will benefit from small competitors’ bankruptcy.
  • The growth rate of the main business revenues stopped declining.
  • Our P/E band suggests upside of 80% for MOMO’s stock price.

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Brief China: CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3) and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)
  2. Momo (MOMO): Paying Users Up 17%, Benefiting from Bankrupt Competitors, 80% Upside
  3. Meituan Dianping: Time to Bail? Relax, Core Business Progressing Toward Profitability

1. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)


CanSino is a China-based biotechnology company with a focus on vaccine development. In our previous insight (link to Part 1 and Part 2), we have discussed CanSino’s drug pipeline, the competitive landscape, and the valuation. 

As the company is starting pre-marketing, we will provide an updated valuation based on new information obtained from the approved application document. Our base case valuation for CanSino is USD 856 million on a pre-money basis. Majority of the rNPV based SOTP valuation still comes from its meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV2 and MCV4). Over the past few months, the company has completed Phase III for MCV4 and submitted NDA (new drug application) for MCV2 candidates.

2. Momo (MOMO): Paying Users Up 17%, Benefiting from Bankrupt Competitors, 80% Upside


  • The stock price has risen 32% after the short seller J Capital slammed it.
  • MOMO’s paying user base of live video increased 22% yoy in 3Q18 and 17% yoy in 4Q2018 even though the live show market shrank in 2018.
  • We believe MOMO will benefit from small competitors’ bankruptcy.
  • The growth rate of the main business revenues stopped declining.
  • Our P/E band suggests upside of 80% for MOMO’s stock price.

3. Meituan Dianping: Time to Bail? Relax, Core Business Progressing Toward Profitability

Meituan3 newiniatiate

  • Conference call with Meituan Dianping (3690 HK) reveals that ballooning losses from new initiatives (incl. one-off expenses) largely contributed to record quarterly EBIT losses in 4Q18.
  • Importantly, this masks Meituan Core’s (combined food delivery and in-store, hotel & travel divisions) continued progress toward profitability.
  • Management is bullish on every division’s outlook in 2019, particularly guiding for 1) balanced growth and profitability strategy for food delivery and 2) disciplined investments in new initiatives.
  • Meituan attractively trades at 2.9x 2019E P/S, only around half of peers’ valuation (5.5x).  

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Brief China: CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3) and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)
  2. Momo (MOMO): Paying Users Up 17%, Benefiting from Bankrupt Competitors, 80% Upside
  3. Meituan Dianping: Time to Bail? Relax, Core Business Progressing Toward Profitability
  4. Ruhnn IPO Preview: Hard to Stay Red-Hot for Long

1. CanSino Biologics (康希诺) IPO: Valuation Update (Part 3)


CanSino is a China-based biotechnology company with a focus on vaccine development. In our previous insight (link to Part 1 and Part 2), we have discussed CanSino’s drug pipeline, the competitive landscape, and the valuation. 

As the company is starting pre-marketing, we will provide an updated valuation based on new information obtained from the approved application document. Our base case valuation for CanSino is USD 856 million on a pre-money basis. Majority of the rNPV based SOTP valuation still comes from its meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV2 and MCV4). Over the past few months, the company has completed Phase III for MCV4 and submitted NDA (new drug application) for MCV2 candidates.

2. Momo (MOMO): Paying Users Up 17%, Benefiting from Bankrupt Competitors, 80% Upside


  • The stock price has risen 32% after the short seller J Capital slammed it.
  • MOMO’s paying user base of live video increased 22% yoy in 3Q18 and 17% yoy in 4Q2018 even though the live show market shrank in 2018.
  • We believe MOMO will benefit from small competitors’ bankruptcy.
  • The growth rate of the main business revenues stopped declining.
  • Our P/E band suggests upside of 80% for MOMO’s stock price.

3. Meituan Dianping: Time to Bail? Relax, Core Business Progressing Toward Profitability

Meituan3 newiniatiate

  • Conference call with Meituan Dianping (3690 HK) reveals that ballooning losses from new initiatives (incl. one-off expenses) largely contributed to record quarterly EBIT losses in 4Q18.
  • Importantly, this masks Meituan Core’s (combined food delivery and in-store, hotel & travel divisions) continued progress toward profitability.
  • Management is bullish on every division’s outlook in 2019, particularly guiding for 1) balanced growth and profitability strategy for food delivery and 2) disciplined investments in new initiatives.
  • Meituan attractively trades at 2.9x 2019E P/S, only around half of peers’ valuation (5.5x).  

4. Ruhnn IPO Preview: Hard to Stay Red-Hot for Long


Ruhnn Holding Ltd (RUHN US) is an e-commerce platform which drives sales through KOLs (key opinion leaders). Ruhnn is the largest internet KOL facilitator in China as measured by revenue, the number of online stores and GMV in 2018 according to Frost & Sullivan. Ruhnn is backed by Alibaba Group Holding (BABA US), an 8.6% shareholder, and is seeking to raise $200 million through a Nasdaq IPO.

However, Ruhnn’s rhetoric does not match its financial performance. On balance, we are inclined to give this IPO a pass.

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Brief China: Trade During Lunar New Year and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Trade During Lunar New Year
  2. Why China’s Stimulus Will Disappoint

1. Trade During Lunar New Year


An underlying issue regarding February data is just how pressurized it is. Between cross armed speculations about trade talk negotiations and the biggest Chinese holiday, it should come as no surprises that February data is underwhelming. Chinese markets are still grappling with a way forward in the trade talk quagmire, but February numbers are in many ways seasonal, due to the holiday snapshot it encompasses.

2. Why China’s Stimulus Will Disappoint


By Lawrence Brainard, Chief Emerging Market Economist at TS Lombard

  • In a Chinese version of QE the PBoC is flooding markets with liquidity
  • Commercial banks will be slow to use it to boost lending to SMEs

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief China: Shenwan Hongyuan IPO: Palatable at the Low-End IPO Price Range and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Shenwan Hongyuan IPO: Palatable at the Low-End IPO Price Range
  2. Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep.
  3. Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: No Reason for a Valuation Premium
  4. So-Young (新氧) Pre-IPO Review – Au Naturel
  5. Keytruda Approved for Lung Cancer Treatment in China – A Review of PD-1 Battle Field

1. Shenwan Hongyuan IPO: Palatable at the Low-End IPO Price Range

Shenwan Hongyuan Group (H) (1707387D HK) seeks to raise IPO proceeds of $1.16-1.25 billion, which is down from its early indication of a $1.5 billion raise. The IPO was launched with 13 cornerstone investors representing 69% of the deal, at the mid-point of the IPO price range.

In our IPO initiation note, we pointed out that Shenwan Hongyuan’s fundamentals are reflective of a mid-tier firm struggling to stand out. Based on our relative valuation analysis, we would participate in the IPO at most at the low-end of the proposed IPO range.

2. Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep.

Agricultural Bank Of China (1288 HK) reported stolid numbers for 2018. A PH Score of 7.6 encapsulates positive change in variables such as Capitalisation, Asset Quality, Margin, Efficiency, and Provisioning though Profitability and Liquidity gauges slipped somewhat. The attractive valuation variable contributes to the score.

Underlying top-line growth of 8%, supported by low double-digit credit growth from moderate deposit expansion, was matched by OPEX increment.

The increase in Interest Income on earning Assets was relatively synchronised to the rise in Interest Expenses on interest-bearing Liabilities. 

We mention this as too often in China of late we have seen OPEX growth far outstripping underlying Income gains and Funding cost expansion rise well in excess of Interest Income growth.

Asset Quality was quite stable. Despite lingering SMLs and a double-digit rise in substandard Loans, NPLs actually decreased YoY. The bank though boosted Loan Loss Provisions by 40% YoY and Loan Loss reserve ratios were tightened. A monumental increase in Loan recoveries generated net negative charge-offs. This shows that the bank is pulling no punches with debtors.

Capitalisation ratios were fortified.

A concern would be the increased exposure to CRE which accounts for 31% of the Loan portfolio. This is the greatest risk in the grand scheme of things and has generated much comment given real estate values and the pace of appreciation. (Is a 5-6x increase since the creation of a private market so elevated? Prices are still well below levels of India).

Shares trade at an Earnings and Dividend Yield of 19% and 5.5%, at a P/Book of 0.7x, at a Franchise Valuation of 8%, and with a Total Return Ratio of 1.5x. Thus the bank can be deemed an Income opportunity.

3. Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: No Reason for a Valuation Premium

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Shenwan Hongyuan started institutional book building today. We have covered the fundamentals of the company in our previous insight (Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: A Commoditized Broker Business). In this insight, we will discuss:

  • Valuation comparison with peers
  • A-H premium history of Chinese brokers
  • Key metrics of past Chinese brokers listing in the H-share market
  • Concerns of liquidity

4. So-Young (新氧) Pre-IPO Review – Au Naturel

Margins improved gross margin net margin chartbuilder

So-Young (SY US) is looking to raise US$150m in its upcoming IPO. The company filed its prospectus with the SEC on Monday.

The company operates online platforms (mobile, website, and WeChat mini program) for discovering, evaluating, and reserving medical aesthetic services in China. It helps medical aesthetic service providers acquire customers through user generated content and other creative content format.

In this insight, we will look at the company’s business model, analyze its financial and operating performance, review the competitive landscape and point out some questions for management.

5. Keytruda Approved for Lung Cancer Treatment in China – A Review of PD-1 Battle Field


Anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) is a hotly contested immunotherapy area in China, with seven companies working on clinical trials covering various lines of treatment for more than a dozen indications. Out of these indications, we have highlighted in our previous coverage on Chinese biotech companies that the most critical indication is the first line treatment of lung cancer, particularly non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Valuation of PD-1 related drugs anchors many of the Hong Kong-listed biotech companies, such as Innovent Biologics Inc (1801 HK), Shanghai Junshi Bioscience Co. Ltd. (1877 HK), BeiGene Ltd (6160 HK), CStone Pharma (2616 HK)  and China A-share listed Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., (600276 CH)

In March, Merck’s Keytruda (generic name pembrolizumab) was approved by NMPA for the first line treatment of EGFR and ALK-negative non-squamous NSCLC. This marks Keytruda the first approved PD-1 drugs for the first line treatment of NSCLC in China.

In this insight, we will review the status and targeted indications of clinical trials of PD-1 candidates by domestic players. 

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Brief China: Why China’s Stimulus Will Disappoint and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Why China’s Stimulus Will Disappoint

1. Why China’s Stimulus Will Disappoint


By Lawrence Brainard, Chief Emerging Market Economist at TS Lombard

  • In a Chinese version of QE the PBoC is flooding markets with liquidity
  • Commercial banks will be slow to use it to boost lending to SMEs

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief China: Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep. and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep.
  2. Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: No Reason for a Valuation Premium
  3. So-Young (新氧) Pre-IPO Review – Au Naturel
  4. Keytruda Approved for Lung Cancer Treatment in China – A Review of PD-1 Battle Field
  5. Global Ex-U.S. Equity Strategy: Positive Outlook Intact; Remain Overweight China

1. Agricultural Bank of China: It Takes More than One Cold Day for a River to Freeze a Meter Deep.

Agricultural Bank Of China (1288 HK) reported stolid numbers for 2018. A PH Score of 7.6 encapsulates positive change in variables such as Capitalisation, Asset Quality, Margin, Efficiency, and Provisioning though Profitability and Liquidity gauges slipped somewhat. The attractive valuation variable contributes to the score.

Underlying top-line growth of 8%, supported by low double-digit credit growth from moderate deposit expansion, was matched by OPEX increment.

The increase in Interest Income on earning Assets was relatively synchronised to the rise in Interest Expenses on interest-bearing Liabilities. 

We mention this as too often in China of late we have seen OPEX growth far outstripping underlying Income gains and Funding cost expansion rise well in excess of Interest Income growth.

Asset Quality was quite stable. Despite lingering SMLs and a double-digit rise in substandard Loans, NPLs actually decreased YoY. The bank though boosted Loan Loss Provisions by 40% YoY and Loan Loss reserve ratios were tightened. A monumental increase in Loan recoveries generated net negative charge-offs. This shows that the bank is pulling no punches with debtors.

Capitalisation ratios were fortified.

A concern would be the increased exposure to CRE which accounts for 31% of the Loan portfolio. This is the greatest risk in the grand scheme of things and has generated much comment given real estate values and the pace of appreciation. (Is a 5-6x increase since the creation of a private market so elevated? Prices are still well below levels of India).

Shares trade at an Earnings and Dividend Yield of 19% and 5.5%, at a P/Book of 0.7x, at a Franchise Valuation of 8%, and with a Total Return Ratio of 1.5x. Thus the bank can be deemed an Income opportunity.

2. Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: No Reason for a Valuation Premium


Shenwan Hongyuan started institutional book building today. We have covered the fundamentals of the company in our previous insight (Shenwan Hongyuan (申万宏源) A+H: A Commoditized Broker Business). In this insight, we will discuss:

  • Valuation comparison with peers
  • A-H premium history of Chinese brokers
  • Key metrics of past Chinese brokers listing in the H-share market
  • Concerns of liquidity

3. So-Young (新氧) Pre-IPO Review – Au Naturel


So-Young (SY US) is looking to raise US$150m in its upcoming IPO. The company filed its prospectus with the SEC on Monday.

The company operates online platforms (mobile, website, and WeChat mini program) for discovering, evaluating, and reserving medical aesthetic services in China. It helps medical aesthetic service providers acquire customers through user generated content and other creative content format.

In this insight, we will look at the company’s business model, analyze its financial and operating performance, review the competitive landscape and point out some questions for management.

4. Keytruda Approved for Lung Cancer Treatment in China – A Review of PD-1 Battle Field


Anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) is a hotly contested immunotherapy area in China, with seven companies working on clinical trials covering various lines of treatment for more than a dozen indications. Out of these indications, we have highlighted in our previous coverage on Chinese biotech companies that the most critical indication is the first line treatment of lung cancer, particularly non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Valuation of PD-1 related drugs anchors many of the Hong Kong-listed biotech companies, such as Innovent Biologics Inc (1801 HK), Shanghai Junshi Bioscience Co. Ltd. (1877 HK), BeiGene Ltd (6160 HK), CStone Pharma (2616 HK)  and China A-share listed Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., (600276 CH)

In March, Merck’s Keytruda (generic name pembrolizumab) was approved by NMPA for the first line treatment of EGFR and ALK-negative non-squamous NSCLC. This marks Keytruda the first approved PD-1 drugs for the first line treatment of NSCLC in China.

In this insight, we will review the status and targeted indications of clinical trials of PD-1 candidates by domestic players. 

5. Global Ex-U.S. Equity Strategy: Positive Outlook Intact; Remain Overweight China


Incremental technical developments continue to be of the bullish variety as more and more countries/regions begin to participate in the rally. These ongoing improvements further cement our positive overall outlook, and we continue to believe that global equities (MSCI ACWI) are poised for additional strength moving forward. In our April International Strategy, we highlight various themes which lead to our overall positive outlook, along with areas within the world’s markets where we see immediate opportunity.

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