Diamonds in the Rough


Japan Small-Caps Digest

Unearthing the Hidden Gems Within Japan’s Small-Cap Markets.

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Diamonds in the Rough


Japan Small-Caps Digest

Unearthing the Hidden Gems Within Japan’s Small-Cap Markets.

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Small (Cap) in Japan

Warren Buffett didn’t decide to go ahead with his US$6 billion bet in Japan on a whim. Japan observers have noted that the country has been making all the right noises, looking to improve transparency and corporate governance, and attract more international investment. A rising tide of investor activism in Japanese board rooms hasn’t hurt, either.

But the real excitement in Japan is in small-caps – from tech to retail to financials. Get a front-row seat to this promising market with our collection of reports and on-the-ground views by Insight Providers with a collective experience spanning several decades covering Japan. Download our eBook for free to learn more.

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Small (Cap) in Japan

Warren Buffett didn’t decide to go ahead with his US$6 billion bet in Japan on a whim. Japan observers have noted that the country has been making all the right noises, looking to improve transparency and corporate governance, and attract more international investment. A rising tide of investor activism in Japanese board rooms hasn’t hurt, either.

But the real excitement in Japan is in small-caps – from tech to retail to financials. Get a front-row seat to this promising market with our collection of reports and on-the-ground views by Insight Providers with a collective experience spanning several decades covering Japan. Download our eBook for free to learn more.

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