Smartkarma & Societe Generale

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Smartkarma?

Smartkarma is an independent investment research network that connects three core audiences of capital markets: Investors, Insight Providers, and Corporates. Smartkarma Solutions provide tailored products to each audience, all on one platform.

What is the relationship between Smartkarma & Societe Generale?

Smartkarma & Societe Generale have signed a global agreement, under which Societe Generale provides its institutional clients with direct access to the Smartkarma platform. As Societe Generale does not produce any Asian equity research internally, Smartkarma fills this gap for them. Smartkarma will administer all logins assigned to Societe Generale clients, and will provide support to Societe Generale and its clients.

How does it work?

Societe Generale can leverage the Smartkarma platform as a value-added service for their clients:

  • Access to hundreds of independent analysts. They can read research, discuss with clients, and contact Insight Providers.
  • Increased trading revenue and share of wallet through pitching and sharing research with clients.
  • New relationships with research-centric clients using Smartkarma’s tools.

What are Smartkarma’s Key Services?

a) Subscription

With a Smartkarma Pro subscription, users have unlimited access to all Insights published by Smartkarma Insight Providers, as well as other functions such as Tools, Live Discussions, and Private Messaging.

b) Premium Services

Smartkarma Premium Services allow clients to engage on a deeper level with our Insight Providers. Clients can request and purchase such services on an ad hoc basis through their Societe Generale Introducer via Elysium.

Examples of Premium Services include analyst calls, face-to-face meetings, bespoke research projects, company visits, and financial modelling.

c) Elysium 

Elysium allows Societe Generale Sales and Management teams to create Smartkarma client logins and receive real-time insights into consumption trends. Elysium is meant for:

  • Sales/Sales-Trading and other client-facing users who have introduced end-clients to Smartkarma, or
  • Senior members of the team such as desk heads, team leaders, and management who would like to observe progress and performance.

What are Smartkarma's Key Strengths?

  • Truly Independent Research

Hundreds of independent Insight Providers on Smartkarma publish unbiased and differentiated intelligence. Research on the platform is not available anywhere else, making it unique and free of conflicts of interest.

  • Single-Subscription Access

Clients gain unlimited access to Insights and Tools on the platform. Investors no longer need to navigate complicated pricing schemes and figure out exactly how much to pay for investment research to be compliant.

  • Differentiated and Demand-Driven Insights

Coverage is driven by what the network deems as actionable/relevant at any point in time, ensuring Insights are genuinely valuable, actionable, and easier to monetise according to demand. This includes verticals that are under-represented by mainstream market research, such as Event-Driven, IPOs, and Small/Mid-Caps.

  • Flexibility

Societe Generale Introducers can add or suspend access for their clients at any time, and are not tied to specific subscription periods.

  • Seamless, Personalised Access

The Smartkarma platform surfaces the most relevant Insights to each user by learning from their usage to deliver what is important to their investment and decision-making processes. Smartkarma Watchlists and Notifications allow clients to receive real-time updates on new Insights covering their preferred investment mandates, entities, Insight Providers, and themes.

  • MiFID II-Compliant

Smartkarma provides dedicated compliance and consumption dashboards that drill down on usage and analytics. Clients can easily meet their reporting needs, undertake detailed audits, and reduce regulatory risk.

  • Collaboration

Public discussions and private messages between users and Insight Providers on Smartkarma encourage differentiated thinking, deeper context, and breakthrough ideas.

Getting a Login

Please contact Sophie Liu at [email protected]
 for any queries.

b) Smartkarma for you and/or your clients:

Click here to sign up for Smartkarma.

  1. Societe Generale Introducers must have an Elysium login to request a login.
  2. On Elysium’s home page, click on “Request New Login” under Account Request.
  3. You will be directed to complete a login request form.
  4. Once the form is completed, the request goes through to the Societe Generale Introducer’s Team Lead and Firm Lead for approval.
  5. Once approved by both leads, Smartkarma will receive the request and the new login will be set up.
  6. Clients will receive an email with their login credentials, along with Societe Generale- approved terms & conditions.

Requesting Premium Services

Follow the steps:

  1. Societe Generale Introducers must have an Elysium login to request Premium Services.
  2. On Elysium’s home page, click on “Request New Premium Service” under Premium Service Request.
  3.  You will be directed to complete a short form requesting description of PS Request, and the SG Sales Rep’s name and email.
  4. Once the form is completed, the request goes through to the Societe Generale Introducer’s Team Lead and Firm Lead for approval.
  5. Once approved by both leads, Smartkarma will receive the PS request and liaise with the Insight Provider(s) and Societe Generale to coordinate on the execution.


Types of Elysium Access

  • Standard: Is able to view client accounts the Societe Generale Introducer has introduced to Smartkarma.
  • Team Leader: Is able to view own client accounts as well as other client accounts in own team.
  • Company Leader: Is able to view own client accounts as well as all other client accounts introduced via Societe Generale.

Elysium Features

Overview: Societe Generale Introducers can have an overview of the accounts under management, including activity statistics on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

Key Trends: View trending Insights, IPs, and Entities amongst client accounts under the management of the Societe Generale Introducer.

Detailed Report: Search and filter client accounts, and private message them directly. View activity details, including Plan Type, Follows, and Alerts.

Team/Company Leader: View other client accounts under the same Team/Company by toggling tabs. All other functions are the same.

Team Performance: Quick overview of team’s performance, including total introduced accounts and engagement levels.


Documentation Requirements

Societe Generale and Smartkarma have a blanket subscription agreement between us, and Societe Generale clients receive a link with T&Cs from Societe Generale when they receive their login from Smartkarma.

Clients may have detailed questions about Smartkarma’s content, processes, licensing, and regulatory matters. There is a dedicated website where you can direct the client:

Learn more about compliance

Compliance FAQs

Do you have more questions about compliance?

Read the FAQs

For any enquiries, please contact Badrul Isham at [email protected]