Earnings Alerts

Birchcliff Energy (BIR) Earnings: FY Adjusted Funds Flow Forecast Soars to C$580 Million Amid Improved Natural Gas Prices


  • Birchcliff Energy has increased its forecast for 2025 adjusted funds flow to C$580 million, up from the previous estimate of C$445 million.
  • The company now expects 2025 free funds flow to range between C$280 million and C$320 million, a significant increase from the initial C$145 million to C$185 million estimate.
  • Birchcliff maintains its net average production guidance for 2025, estimating between 76,000 to 79,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), with a specific estimate of 77,810 boe/d.
  • F&D capital expenditures are still expected to be between C$260 million and C$300 million for 2025.
  • The 2025 guidance for royalty expenses remains unchanged, despite higher forecasted natural gas prices at NYMEX HH and Dawn benchmarks.
  • A horizontal land retention well was completed in Elmworth in February 2025.
  • Birchcliff anticipates total debt at the end of 2025 will range from C$265 million to C$305 million.
  • The investment community shows confidence in Birchcliff with 6 buy recommendations, 5 holds, and no sell recommendations.


A look at Birchcliff Energy Smart Scores


Smart Score is a compound score for the Company indicating its overall outlook. It is derived by taking an equally weighted average of underlying Factor scores computed by Smartkarma

Based on Smartkarma Smart Scores, Birchcliff Energy has a positive long-term outlook. The company scores high in both the Value and Dividend categories, indicating strong fundamentals and income potential for investors. However, Birchcliff Energy‘s Growth and Resilience scores are lower, suggesting some room for improvement in terms of expansion and risk management. The company’s Momentum score falls in the middle range, reflecting moderate market performance.

Birchcliff Energy Ltd, which focuses on evaluating acquisition opportunities for light oil and natural gas in Western Canada, shows strength in value and dividend metrics according to Smartkarma Smart Scores. While there is room for growth and resilience enhancement, the company’s overall outlook appears promising for long-term investors seeking stable returns.

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