Earnings Alerts

B3 – Brasil Bolsa Balcao (B3SA3) Earnings: February Trading Values Dip, But Investor Activity Grows

  • In February, the average daily stock trading value decreased by 1.2%.
  • The average daily derivatives trading volume experienced a larger drop, down by 4.8%.
  • However, the number of active equity investors increased by 4.1%, showing positive investor engagement.
  • Market recommendations included 10 “buy” ratings and 6 “hold” ratings, with no “sell” ratings issued.

B3 – Brasil Bolsa Balcao on Smartkarma

Analyst coverage on Smartkarma showcases a bullish stance on B3 – Brasil Bolsa Balcao. Victor Galliano‘s research report titled “Emerging Market Exchanges – Attractive Valuations with Defensive Qualities” highlights the undervalued nature of B3’s post-trade revenue share. Despite a challenging performance year to date, B3 is deemed attractively priced compared to its peers. The well-diversified product offerings of B3, spanning cash equities, equity derivatives, FX, interest rates, and commodities, contribute to its allure in the current market landscape.

Galliano’s contrarian call on B3 is buoyed by its defensive qualities and strategic positioning within the exchange market. The report also shines a favorable light on Hong Kong Exchange, emphasizing its high post-trade revenue share and potential benefits from improving investor sentiment towards China. With a nod towards attractive valuations and defensive traits, B3 emerges as a core pick in the realm of emerging market exchanges, as uncovered through independent analysis on Smartkarma.

A look at B3 – Brasil Bolsa Balcao Smart Scores


Smart Score is a compound score for the Company indicating its overall outlook. It is derived by taking an equally weighted average of underlying Factor scores computed by Smartkarma


Based on the Smartkarma Smart Scores, B3 – Brasil Bolsa Balcao shows a promising long-term outlook. With a solid Growth score of 4, the company is positioned for expansion and development in the future. Additionally, both Resilience and Momentum scores of 4 indicate that the company is stable and has positive market momentum, suggesting a strong foundation for continued growth.

While B3 scores lower on Value and Dividend scores with a rating of 2 each, the overall outlook remains positive due to the higher scores in Growth, Resilience, and Momentum. Overall, the company, which operates as a regional exchange offering clearing and settlement services, financial products, and trading services, appears to have a bright future ahead based on the Smartkarma Smart Scores.


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