Market Movers

Meitu’s Stock Price Drops to 6.24 HKD, Experiencing a Slight Decrease of 0.48%

Meitu (1357)

6.24 HKD -0.03 (-0.48%) Volume: 188.03M

Meitu’s stock price currently stands at 6.24 HKD, experiencing a slight decrease of -0.48% in the recent trading session, with a trading volume of 188.03M. Despite the minor setback, the stock showcases a remarkable YTD increase of +115.02%, highlighting a strong performance and making it a potential interest for investors.

Latest developments on Meitu

Meitu Inc. has been making headlines recently with reports of strong growth in its 2024 earnings. The company declared a final dividend for the year, showcasing its financial strength and commitment to shareholders. With an annual net profit of RMB805M, up 112.8%, Meitu Inc. is proving to be a high growth tech stock to watch in Asia. The company’s global expansion efforts are also contributing to its positive stock price movements today, with a final DPS of HK5.52 cents further solidifying its position in the market.

A look at Meitu Smart Scores


Smart Score is a compound score for the Company indicating its overall outlook. It is derived by taking an equally weighted average of underlying Factor scores computed by Smartkarma

Meitu Inc, a company that specializes in mobile application software, has received favorable scores in Growth and Momentum from Smartkarma Smart Scores. With a Growth score of 5, the company is expected to experience strong growth in the long term. Additionally, Meitu Inc scored a 5 in Momentum, indicating positive market momentum that could drive the company’s performance forward. These scores suggest a bright outlook for Meitu Inc in terms of expansion and market dynamics.

Despite scoring lower in Value and Resilience, with scores of 2 and 3 respectively, Meitu Inc‘s overall outlook remains optimistic. The company’s Dividend score of 4 shows a commitment to rewarding shareholders. Meitu Inc‘s core business of image editing and social software, combined with its involvement in mobile designing and retailing, positions it well for future success in the competitive tech industry.

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