Market Movers

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company’s Stock Price Dips to $21.46, Marking a Decrease of 6.49%

By January 29, 2025 No Comments

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE)

21.46 USD -1.49 (-6.49%) Volume: 30.27M

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company’s stock price stands at 21.46 USD, a significant drop of -6.49% in this trading session, with a substantial trading volume of 30.27M. Despite the session’s decline, HPE’s stock has managed a marginal year-to-date increase of +0.37%, indicating a degree of resilience in the market.

Latest developments on Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company

Amidst a series of events, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) stock price faced fluctuations today. The appointment of Maeve Culloty to lead HPE Financial Services brought some positive attention, but concerns arose as reports indicated the DOJ leaning towards blocking a potential deal involving Juniper Networks. Evercore tied the weakness in HP Enterprise and Juniper to a Capital Forum DOJ report. Additionally, news of a second breach at HP Enterprise by hackers raised security concerns. Despite these challenges, Evercore ISI maintained a $22 target for HP Enterprise stock, while Lebenthal Global Advisors LLC bought shares. The uncertainty surrounding the potential acquisition block and cybersecurity threats continue to impact HPE stock movements.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company on Smartkarma

Analysts at Baptista Research have provided bullish insights on Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) following the company’s strong financial performance. In their research reports, Baptista Research highlighted HPE’s record quarterly revenue of $8.5 billion in the fiscal fourth quarter of 2024, representing a 15% year-over-year increase. The success of HPE GreenLake and accelerated AI system revenues were major drivers behind this growth, exceeding expectations across key financial metrics.

Further, Baptista Research emphasized the critical growth catalysts for HPE, including the expanded portfolio of AI solutions and hybrid cloud solutions. In the third quarter of fiscal 2024, HPE reported substantial revenue growth of 10% year-over-year, reaching $7.7 billion. The company’s focus on growth sectors like AI, hybrid cloud, and networking has contributed to this positive performance, as outlined in their earnings call. The analysts’ bullish sentiment reflects confidence in HPE’s strategic direction and potential for continued success in the market.

A look at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company Smart Scores


Smart Score is a compound score for the Company indicating its overall outlook. It is derived by taking an equally weighted average of underlying Factor scores computed by Smartkarma

Based on the Smartkarma Smart Scores, Hewlett Packard Enterprise seems to have a positive long-term outlook. With high scores in both Value and Dividend, the company appears to be a strong investment option for those looking for stability and potential returns. While its Growth and Resilience scores are not as high, the company still shows promise in these areas. Additionally, with a Momentum score of 4, Hewlett Packard Enterprise seems to be gaining traction in the market.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company provides a range of information technology solutions to customers globally. From enterprise security to cloud consulting, the company offers a variety of services to meet the needs of businesses. With a focus on data management and analytics, Hewlett Packard Enterprise helps organizations optimize their operations and improve efficiency. Overall, the company’s strong Value and Dividend scores suggest that it is well-positioned for long-term success in the ever-evolving tech industry.

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