
Brief TMT & Internet: Cracking the Keyence Conundrum and more

In this briefing:

  1. Cracking the Keyence Conundrum
  2. StubWorld: Naspers Embeds Another Layer Into Tencent
  3. Ruhnn (如涵) IPO Review – Expensive Influence
  4. Samsung Electronics Voluntary Red Flag on 1Q Earnings
  5. China Mobile 4Q18 Trends Improved Slightly. It Remains Most Exposed to 5G Capex Uncertainty.

1. Cracking the Keyence Conundrum


Keyence Corp (6861 JP) has long been a standout within the Japanese machinery sector for its exceptional margins, with only Fanuc Corp (6954 JP) and perhaps Smc Corp (6273 JP)  really operating in the same the stratosphere. But while Fanuc has faded, with its OPM now struggling to stay over 30% and SMC has only recently peaked its head over the 30% level, Keyence has been powering ahead and is on the cusp of recording five straight years over 50% OPM.

With relatively limited disclosures to go along with such stellar performance it is understandable then that some investors are concerned that the story is too good to be true, and even the FT has written a series of articles with a slightly critical bent: 1 2 34

Having recently visited the company, we analyse below, the nature of its competitive advantages by comparing it with its most similar peer Cognex Corp (CGNX US).

2. StubWorld: Naspers Embeds Another Layer Into Tencent


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Naspers are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

3. Ruhnn (如涵) IPO Review – Expensive Influence

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Ruhnn Holding Ltd (RUHN US) is looking to raise up to US$155m in its upcoming IPO. We have previously covered the company’s fundamentals in: Ruhnn (如涵) Pre-IPO Review- Significant Concentration Risk.

In this insight, we will value the company business segments by parts, look at the deal dynamics, and run the deal through our IPO framework.

4. Samsung Electronics Voluntary Red Flag on 1Q Earnings


  • SamE voluntarily red flagged its 1Q19 earnings even before 1Q ends. SamE mentioned two things: 1. Falling memory chip prices and 2. slowing demand for display panels. Given the ‘usual’ profit size of DP business, this should be all about memory chips, specifically server DRAM.
  • Memory chip price falling should not be enough to explain this much 1Q profit loss. It must be that SamE has decided to reflect huge inventory losses and pay bills from Amazon and Google on the book in this first quarter. Of course, SamE wouldn’t want to talk about this explicitly.
  • SamE shares aren’t reacting to this a lot right now. It is mainly because local street already heavily adjusted 1Q OP to as low as ₩6.5~7tril. This 1Q earnings shock factor must have been already reflected into the price. Even below ₩6tril level wouldn’t be taken as a huge surprise.
  • SamE said last month that memory sales would be revived starting 2H this year. I think this is still a valid and crucial point. This suggests that server DRAM demand from Amazon and Google will likely be back starting 3Q19. This means SamE is confident that it can handle the server DRAM optimization issue by then.
  • I’m still sticking to my previous OP forecast for FY19. It should be ₩8tril more than the current street consensus. At this, SamE Common is trading at a 8.73x PER. SamE is scheduled to deliver 1Q19 interim numbers next week on Apr 5.

5. China Mobile 4Q18 Trends Improved Slightly. It Remains Most Exposed to 5G Capex Uncertainty.


Chris Hoare downgraded China Mobile (941 HK) some time ago on rising concerns that 5G capex would be higher than expected. While China Unicom (762 HK) and China Telecom (728 HK) both laid out very modest 2019 5G capex plans, China Mobile did not.  And despite what we saw as reasonable results, earnings guidance was weak and the lack of a rising dividend payout suggests internal concerns over 5G spending.  We had seen China Mobile as a defensive stock, but recent strong performance and rising 5G worries led us to downgrade our recommendation. It remains at Reduce with a HK$75 target. 

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