
Brief Thailand: Company Visits: The Best of March 2019 and more

In this briefing:

  1. Company Visits: The Best of March 2019
  2. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?
  3. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks
  4. China’s New Semiconductor Thrust – Part 1: Why and How?
  5. The Week that Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – Elections, Trade War Beneficiaries, and Indonesian Textiles

1. Company Visits: The Best of March 2019


We selectively visited a dozen companies in March and were most impressed with three of them (two of which we happily own):

  • SISB, Thailand’s only listed education stock, whose market cap has increased more than 30% since its IPO. The future potential growth they are currently working on in Cambodia and China  will show up here and spruce the company’s already strong growth. Working in a favorable environment (Thailand’s affluent class is growing) also helps.
  • MINT, the country’s hotel chain giant and 20th largest chain in the world, sees great growth potential in Europe, where things are slowly turning around after they made two big acquisitions (NH Hotels and Tivoli). Synergies are also materializing with co-marketing and re-branding efforts.
  • After You, arguably the dessert chain with the highest margin in Thailand. No longer a newbie IPO stock, these guys boast collaboration with global giant Starbucks and branching out into new channels such as After You Durian. 

2. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?

Despite some signs of stabilization in China’s factory gauges the primary trend is still weakness and it might be rash for investors to read too much into the recent data given the apparent weakness in the Eurozone and the moderation form a high level of growth in the United States.  Quantitative tightening is on hold in the United States but a sharp “U-turn” to easing has not happened yet and is politically embarrassing. As inflation falls real rates are rising. Housing markets are showing signs of price weakness. Investors need to watch for signs of credit quality decay that could be an indicator of the next period of severe financial distress. 

3. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks

The future of the US and China relationship remains the most significant geopolitical and economic issue watched by the markets. While the markets prefer to focus on the positives, the eventual outcome of the talks may yet prove disappointing. Meanwhile, a rift is emerging among EU members who have diverging attitudes to cooperation with China. Authorities in Turkey have again spooked investors with their ham-fisted approach to markets. In Ukraine, comedian Zelensky has won in the first round of the presidential poll. In India, sabre-rattling continues ahead of parliamentary elections despite the de-escalation of tensions with neighbouring Pakistan.

4. China’s New Semiconductor Thrust – Part 1: Why and How?


China’s current efforts to gain prominence in the semiconductor market targets memory chips – large commodities.  This three-part series of insights examines how China determined its strategy and explains which companies are the most threatened by it.

In the first part of this series we will see what motivated China to enter the market and how it plans to do so.

5. The Week that Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – Elections, Trade War Beneficiaries, and Indonesian Textiles

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This week’s offering of Insights across ASEAN@Smartkarma is filled with another eclectic mix of differentiated, substantive and actionable insights from across South East Asia and includes macro, top-down and thematic pieces, as well as actionable equity bottom-up pieces. Please find a brief summary below, with a fuller write up in the detailed section.

The highlights of this week are comments on the Thai elections with differing perspectives from CrossASEAN Economist Prasenjit K. Basu, Thailand based Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA, and Dr Jim Walker. Dr Jim Walker also gives us his views on the key beneficiaries and the ongoing US-China trade dispute and singles out Indonesia and Vietnam. On this theme, Kevin O’Rourke highlights a potentially significant announcement of a US$400m investment in Kendal, Central Java by a Chinese Textile company of its intention to relocate a shirt manufacturing facility there from China. Kawasan Industri Jababeka (KIJA IJ) and Sembcorp Industries (SCI SP) have a JV industrial estate there, which stands potentially to benefit should this move should it transpire. More importantly, it could signal the start of a more promising future for Indonesia’s manufacturing sector. 

Macro Insights

In Prayuth Accomplishes a Clear-Cut Victory, Assuring Stability (If Not Rapid Growth), CrossASEAN Insight Provider Prasenjit K. Basu comments on the result of the recent election in Thailand. 

In Thai Election 2019: Defeat in Parliament, Victory in Senate, Thai Guru Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA comments on the results on the Thai elections and the consequences for decision making in that country. 

In a follow-up Insight on the recent election in Thailand, Political Pit Stop (April): An Election Gridlock, Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA deals with some unfinished business post the election.

In Elections, Coups and Constitutions: Thailand’s Reckoning, Dr. Jim Walker looks at Thailand’s political history with the recent election in mind and concludes that Thai politics looks set to become fractious and interesting once again. 

In his insight, 18pt Lead Mitigates Prabowo-Related Risk / Islamic Parties Declining / PRC Textile Plan / 4th Debate, Kevin O’Rourke looks and the most important political and economic developments over the past week and provides his value-added comment. 

In Vietnam Picks up the China Baton, Dr. Jim Walker lays out his thoughts on which countries are set to benefit the most from the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China. Indonesia and Vietnam would seem to be the most obvious beneficiaries.  

Equity Bottom-Up Insights

In his most recent on-the-ground insight, Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda, Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA lays out his thoughts post visits to two companies with very different trajectories, namely renewable power specialist Demco Pcl (DEMCO TB), which is struggling, despite doing really well in the past and jeweller Pranda Jewelry Pub (PRANDA TB), once struggling but now on a recovery path. 

In Golden Agri Bull Pivots to Get Involved, technical specialist Thomas Schroeder works his magic on this leading Singapore listed plantation company.

For a fundamental view on the above situations please refer to last week’s insight, Golden Agri: El Nino Back on the Front Burner; Bullish Catalyst for GAR, from commodities specialist Charles Spencer who zeros on the potential positive impact from an impending El Nino event on Golden Agri Resources (GGR SP)

Sector and Thematic Insights

In Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ, Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA lays out his thoughts post visits to these two small-cap companies from totally different industries Rajthanee Hospital (RJH TB) and CAZ Thailand PCL (CAZ TB)

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