Top ten highlights from the APAC PE, VC, and startup ecosystem this week:
- Southeast Asian startups experienced a decline in equity funding in the second quarter, marking a reversal from previous upward trends.
- In the first half of 2024, the total value of proceeds in the region stood at $2.29 billion, showing a 36% year-on-year decline, the lowest level in more than five years.
- Indonesia saw a significant drop in funding activities, with deal volume hitting a new low in the second quarter.
- Early-stage startup funding surpassed late-stage funding in the first semester, indicating a shift from the past five years.
- Indian startups raised the highest funding in June, with $2.24 billion compared to $1.85 billion in May 2024.
- Indian e-commerce startups dominated big-ticket funding transactions, securing $1.9 billion in the first half of 2024.
- Several companies in Southeast Asia reported financial updates, including 2C2P trimming its losses and Naver-backed Planetarium Labs experiencing revenue growth despite increased losses.
- Singapore’s GIC posted a 3.9% annualized real rate of return for the 20-year period ending in March 2024.
- ANEXT Bank in Singapore saw losses rise in 2023 despite a significant revenue increase.
- Overall, the venture capital landscape in Southeast Asia remains cautious, with investors eyeing opportunities in various sectors and markets.”
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