
Daily Japan: The Burden of Too Big Government and more

In this briefing:

  1. The Burden of Too Big Government
  2. Arcs, Valor and Retail Partners Form First Nationwide Supermarket Alliance
  3. Nidec (6594 JP): Big Downward Revision
  4. Global Indexes Approaching Major Resistance
  5. Hitachi Tender for Yungtay Engineering Launches

1. The Burden of Too Big Government

From our very own “Austrian” Leigh Skene:

Wars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt. Ezra Pound

Governments used public sector balance sheets to bail out private financial institutions and assist private companies to emerge from bankruptcy in the GFC. These actions transferred credit risk from the private to the public sector, yet falling nominal interest rates minimised, and in some cases froze, the cost of servicing the mounting government debt until late 2016. Since then, many borrowers have paid rising  interest rates on increasing amounts of debt. Debt service charges are rising faster than nominal GDP in a growing number of nations as a result. It is estimated that the US federal funding requirement will rise from minus US$ 700bn to US$ 2tr in 2022.

2. Arcs, Valor and Retail Partners Form First Nationwide Supermarket Alliance


The supermarket sector is the most fragmented and uncompetitive of all retail sectors, a situation encouraged by major suppliers and not ideal for consumers.

Despite some effort from the likes of Aeon, consolidation has failed to materialise beyond a few in-group mergers.

Yet pressure on supermarkets to consolidate has been building due to depopulation in the regions, competitive pressures from other food retailers such as convenience stores and drugstore chains, as well as the emerging online food services.

Change is now coming. The biggest industry consolidation yet was announced last month, a precedent-setting alliance between three major supermarkets, Arcs Co Ltd (9948 JP), Valor Holdings (9956 JP) and Retail Partners (8167 JP), carving up a large chunk of the country into three regional fiefdoms.

3. Nidec (6594 JP): Big Downward Revision

Nidec has cut FY Mar-19 sales guidance by 9.4%, operating profit guidance by 25.6% and net profit guidance by 23.8% to reflect what management calls unexpectedly weak demand, the need for large inventory adjustments, and anticipated restructuring charges. 

Management attributes this to U.S. – China trade friction, but weak demand for hard disc drives (HDDs) caused by excessive date center investment and falling NAND flash memory prices, and declining auto sales in both China and the U.S., appear to have compounded the problem. 

Nidec’s share price was up ¥60 (+0.49%) today to ¥12,395, but the announcement was made after the market closed. Management plans to discuss the situation at a press conference starting at 18:30 Tokyo time today.

4. Global Indexes Approaching Major Resistance


Broad global indexes are bumping up against logical downtrend resistance. As a result, our outlook remains cautious and our baseline expectation for continued downward pressure on global equities remains intact. At the same time, we are seeing signs that the worst of the declines may be behind us as global cyclical Sectors show RS improvements while defensive Sectors display early signs of RS deterioration.  In this report we review important technical levels for developed and EM indexes, and highlight a number of attractive opportunities across markets and sectors.

5. Hitachi Tender for Yungtay Engineering Launches

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Hitachi Ltd (6501 JP)announced today after the close that it had received approvals from the relevant government organs for its proposed Tender Offer for Yungtay Engineering (1507 TT) and that the Tender Offer would be launched through Hitachi Elevator Taiwan Co. Ltd at TWD 60/share starting tomorrow. The statement filed by Yungtay on the TWSE website is linked here.

The Tender Offer will go through March 7th 2019 with the target of reaching 100% ownership. Son of the founder, former CEO, and Honorary Chairman Hsu Tso-Li (Chou-Li) of Yungtay has agreed to tender his 4.27% holding. The main difference is a minimum threshold for success of reaching just over one-third of the shares outstanding, with a minimum to buy of 88,504,328 shares (21.66%, including the 4.27% to be tendered by Hsu Tso-Li).

This one detail is different from the original announcement in October, which had set a minimum of 50.1% holding after the tender. 

The other details of the Tender Offer are the same as described in Going Up! Hitachi Tender for Yungtay Engineering (1507 TT) from when the deal was announced last October. 

Since the announcement of a deal at a 22% premium, the stock has risen gently from about TWD 56 to just below the TWD 60 Tender Offer price in ever-decreasing volume.

data source: investing.com, TWSE

There has been little to no news on the stock regarding the deal in English, and only limited news in Chinese since the announcement of the deal. 

The price evolution makes it look like a pretty straightforward deal. The lowered threshold for success obviously increases the likelihood of success. Weaker markets may also contribute. 

But there is a reason why the threshold was lowered. 

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