
Brief Japan: The Dollar Is Already Dead and more

In this briefing:

  1. The Dollar Is Already Dead
  2. KDDI: 3Q18/19 Results Miss Slightly but Stock Is Poised to Benefit From Lower Handset Subsidies

1. The Dollar Is Already Dead


The past year has all been about dollar strength. That is an accepted wisdom. But the truth of the matter is that the dollar averaged 93.6 on the DXY in 2018 (3 January 2018 to 31 December 2018) and, as we write, stands at 95.5. From 1 January 2015 to 1 July 2017 the DXY averaged 97.2. The dollar is not strong, even by recent history standards. Moreover, it is no longer as important as it once was in policy making terms – and neither is the Federal Reserve.

2. KDDI: 3Q18/19 Results Miss Slightly but Stock Is Poised to Benefit From Lower Handset Subsidies

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KDDI’s (9433 JP) 3Q results were a small miss (2% vs our forecasts), at both the revenue and profit lines, but not enough to change our positive stance. A key part of our view is derived from our negative view on Apple (AAPL US) from August 2018 where we see an “air-pocket” of demand loss coming through. This is particularly important to Japan where the iPhone accounts for around 75% of smartphones. Apple has downgraded guidance and we believe is in a secular downtrend as refresh cycles elongate and that has been accentuated by the pull forward of demadn for the iPhone X. 

This is playing out in Japan, with KDDI reporting handset revenues down 13% YoY, and the key cause of the revenue miss. KDDI increased discounting to offset falling sales in 3Q adding a ¥9.9bn increase in handset costs in the quarter. Without that, EBIT would have beaten expectations. KPIs were generally strong, and service revenue trends improved to -0.1% YoY from -0.8%. Given the nature of the miss, and the fact the company is reiterating guidance we do not expect material changes to forecasts. Our price target is ¥4,100, and our recommendation remains Buy.

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