
Brief Japan: Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP): Writing Off the Past and more

In this briefing:

  1. Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP): Writing Off the Past
  2. January Chip Revenues Down 15.6% Year-On-Year
  3. Accordia Golf Trust (AGT): Buy but Please Consider This…
  4. Rakuten: Lyft IPO Provides Timely Support for Mobile Deployment
  5. Politics, Uncertainty and Bad Policy: The Third Wheels of Profits and the Investment Cycle

1. Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP): Writing Off the Past

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Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP) (MHFG) has slashed its forecast for FY3/2019 consolidated net profits from ¥570 billion to just ¥80 billion, citing previously-unbudgeted write-downs on physical branch assets and retail banking software, as well as valuation losses on marking to market part of the group’s foreign bond portfolio, especially on derivative products. Total additional costs to be incurred in FY3/2019 are now expected to be around ¥680 billion.

In effect, MHFG is attempting to ‘clear the decks’ of redundant and uneconomic assets  –  a legacy from its 20th century role as a branch-based deposit taker and lender  –   and is now positioning itself for 21st century ‘cashless’ banking centred on electronic transaction and payment systems.  While this is a laudable effort, MHFG is late to do this; rivals Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group (8306 JP) and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (8316 JP)  slimmed down their branch networks in FY3/2018, incurring heavy costs in doing so.

We remain skeptical that this signals the end of MHFG’s problems, and continue to recommend an Underweight position in Japanese bank stocks generally.

MHFG’s uneconomic asset problems are far from unique.  This news may just be the first of a succession of similar announcements from other banks over the next 2-3 years as they face not only an ongoing ultra-low interest rate environment but now also the stark economic realities of a declining local population, high overheads as a result of over-manned and under-utilised branches, a clear shift towards Internet banking and the increasing use of ‘cashless’ alternative payment systems by retail customers.

2. January Chip Revenues Down 15.6% Year-On-Year

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The Semiconductor Industry Association in the US released the latest WSTS figures for January chip revenues.  Monthly revenues are down 15.6% from January of 2018.  While this is not a surprise to our clients it is frightening to those who anticipated that 2019 would be a continuation of the bonanza enjoyed in 2018.

3. Accordia Golf Trust (AGT): Buy but Please Consider This…


Accordia Golf Trust (AGT SP) is the second largest golf course operator in Japan that offers stable DPU with assets that are less correlated to the global economic cycle but they have their own challenges; aging demographics that makes the number of games played lower over time, volatile weather in Japan (unlike in Singapore where it’s sunny summer all year long), limited upside impact from automation initiative and golf tax. 

4. Rakuten: Lyft IPO Provides Timely Support for Mobile Deployment


The publication of Lyft’s IPO prospectus is a clear positive for Rakuten Inc (4755 JP) . As a pure investment, Rakuten’s return on its Lyft investments could be 273-366% or ¥101-136 per share based on the $20-25bn valuation range reported by the press. There has been a lot of focus on the investment gains Rakuten should accrue but the real upside is a timely boost to liquidity plus accounting cover as mobile investment accelerates.  Whether one believes Rakuten can succeed in mobile or not, it has the capital and paper profits to support a splashy introduction and spending is already accelerating.

5. Politics, Uncertainty and Bad Policy: The Third Wheels of Profits and the Investment Cycle


Our positive view of the Asian region in 2018 was not reflected in stock market performance. But now is not the time to discard fundamentals and fundamental analysis. Unlike the US, the Asian region is in the early stages of a profit upcycle. As we have argued on many occasions, that is the building block required to kick start the investment cycle. But theoretical explanations of the growth process aside, is there any empirical support for the argument that profits and investment, and therefore growth, are related? We would answer in the affirmative and, in the following report, we try to show how the process works and where Asia stands on two of our Austrian Stress Indicators (ASIs). Market volatility aside, the conditions for good growth gains are firmly in place in most of the region.

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