
Brief Japan: Japan Stock Weekly and more

In this briefing:

  1. Japan Stock Weekly
  2. CATL Could Be Tesla’s New Battery Supplier- Panasonic in Trouble?
  3. Mercari (4385) A Great Business but over Priced
  4. TRADE IDEA – Amorepacific Stub (002790 KS): Buyback Helped, Close the Trade
  5. Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer

1. Japan Stock Weekly


Takamatsu Construction (1762)

It is possible that 3/19 results may fall a bit short of estimates but next year will see a decent bounce in earnings given the good orders currently being seen. The shares are very cheap on 2x 3/20 EV/ebitda so we do not see much down side risk here, but any such weakness should be views as a great buying opportunity. This is a well-run and conservative business in an otherwise often poorly run sector. Eventually there must also be the possibility of a higher payout ratio. In our view, however, this is later rather than soon but must come. A decent long term buy in the construction space.

Fujitec (6406)

The shares are cheap. The company is cash rich and owns 10% in treasury stock; it owned more last year but has cancelled 4%. It has some Y6bn in long term investment. EV in our view is Y57bn vs the current market cap of Y110bn. With ebitda next year coming in at Y15bn, EV/ebitda is under 4x. The shares yield 3.4% and trade at book. They have slightly underperformed the market over the last 12 months. For now, we view this as a defensive buy. There remain many issues longer term as to its place in the global elevator world. A potential positive, however, is that in May the company will announce a new mid-term plan and in it, they will outline their view as regards to shareholder returns for the next three years. They are aware that they are very over capitalised, so greater returns are a real possibility.

Prored (7034) 

Good, first quarter results and in our view, an upward to come. 

2. CATL Could Be Tesla’s New Battery Supplier- Panasonic in Trouble?

The news released on the 11th of March, about Tesla Motors (TSLA US) choosing CATL (A) (300750 CH) as battery supplier has focused much attention on the two companies and other battery suppliers. CATL which grabbed Panasonic Corp (6752 JP)’s leading position in the industry last year now seems to be grabbing the latter’s key customer as well. The news circulating states that, CATL could power Tesla’s Model 3 cars which Tesla is planning to start assembling at Tesla’s new factory near Shanghai. Following the release of this supposed deal, the stocks of the two companies moved positively, with CATL surging by almost 6.7% while Tesla rose by almost 2.4% during the day.  However, both parties have not commented on this news yet or made any formal announcement regarding such a potential deal. In our Insight, Tesla Drifting Away Could Leave Panasonic Struggling to Gain Traction in China, we mentioned that Tesla was looking to locally source its batteries in China and that CATL could potentially be one such supplier. However, in January this year, it was reported that Tesla had signed a preliminary agreement with China’s Tianjin Lishen to supply batteries for its new Shanghai car factory, making the current news look less believable. Although it seems like the ongoing news about a Tesla-CATL pair up lacks integrity, with CATL sort of denying its intend to work with Tesla (according to an updated news release), the news does look interesting and its effect upon the related companies seems noteworthy.

3. Mercari (4385) A Great Business but over Priced


Established in 2013, this has been a huge success story in Japan. The company operates the largest C to C mobile app that allows customers to trade in second hand goods with each other. Growth has been phenomenal. In the year to 6/15, Mercari had revenue of Y4.2bn, three years later (6/18) this had risen to Y35.7bn. This growth carries on, first half revenue this year to December 2018 rose 45% to Y23.7bn. It has begun an operation in the US, currently loss making, and has just introduced “Merpay”, a prepaid card incorporated into one’s mobile phone along the lines of Suica that allows users to purchase goods and pay bills. Funds can be deposited following a sale on Mercari’s site or transferred from a bank. Revenue will probably continue to grow at a rapid pace and whilst there are some that will jump on board, it is impossible to come up with any sensible valuation that can really justify a purchase here. There is no p.e.r. and the company will be loss making for the next couple of years. Its market cap of Y440bn means that it is trading on perhaps 6x 6/20 sales. On top of this, there are risks with regards to the viability of its US operation. Management appear to be aware to this and have set certain time limits for a turn around. There are many BUYS out on this name, thematically it has much going for it, but the valuation leaves us cold.

4. TRADE IDEA – Amorepacific Stub (002790 KS): Buyback Helped, Close the Trade

In my original insight on January 15, 2019 TRADE IDEA: Amorepacific (002790 KS) Stub: A Beautiful Opportunity, I proposed setting up a stub trade to profit from the mis-priced stub business of Amorepacific that was trading at its widest discount to NAV in at least three years. During the 65 calendar days that followed, Amorepacific Group (002790 KS) has gained 7.3% and the outperformed Amorepacific Corp (090430 KS) by 2.84%. The trade has reverted to average levels in a period of about two months and in this insight I will outline why I think the trade is over.

In this insight I will discuss:

  • Performance of ALL my recommended stub trades
  • a post-trade analysis on the Amorepacific stub

5. Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer

I should have seen this coming. The asset is juicy enough, and they have a large enough stake, and the company is small enough, that this is an easy trade to do if you can get the funding. It makes eminent sense to be able to put the money down and go for it. 

I have covered this minor disaster of an MBO (Management BuyOut) of Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) since it was launched, with the original question of what one could do (other than refuse). Famed/notorious Japanese activist Yoshiaki Murakami and his associated companies started buying in and then the stock quickly cleared the Bain Capital Japan vehicle’s bid price. The deal was extended, then the Bain bid was raised to ¥700/share last week with the minimum threshold set at 50.01% not 66.67% but still the shares had not traded that low, and did not following the news. But Bain played chicken with Murakami and the market in its amended filing, including the words 「公開買付者は、本開買付条件の変更後の本公開買付価格を最終的なものとし、今後、本公開買付価格を一切変更しないことの決定をしております。」which roughly translates to “The Offeror, having changed the terms, has made This Tender Offer Price final, and from this point onward, has decided to absolutely not raise the Tender Offer Price.”

So now Murakami-san has launched a Tender Offer of his own. Murakami-affiliated entities Minami Aoyama Fudosan KK and Reno KK have launched a Tender Offer at ¥750/share to buy a minimum of 9,100,900 shares and a maximum of all remaining shares. The entities currently own 3,355,900 shares (13.47%) between them – up from 11.71% reported up through yesterday [as noted in yesterday’s insight, it looked likely from the volume and trading patterns prior to yesterday’s Large Shareholder Report that they had continued buying]. 

Buying a minimum of 9,100,900 shares at ¥750/share should be easier for Murakami-san’s bidding entity than buying a minimum of 12,456,800 shares (Bain Capital’s minimum threshold) at ¥700/share, but the Murakami TOB Tender Agent is Mita Securities, which is a lesser-known agent and it is possible that the main agent for the Bain tender (SMBC Securities) could make life difficult for its account holders.

The likelihood that Murakami-san doesn’t have his bid funded or won’t follow through is, in my eyes, effectively zero. Tender Offer announcements are vetted by both the Kanto Local Finance Bureau and the Stock Exchange. You know this has been in the works for a couple of weeks simply because of that aspect. But one of the two documents released today includes an explanation of the process Murakami-san’s companies have gone through to arrive at this bid, and that tells you it may have gone on longer.

So what next? The easy answer is there is now a put at ¥750/share. Unless there is not. Weirder things have happened.

Read on…

For Recent Insights on the Kosaido Situation Published on Smartkarma…

21-Jan-2019Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do?
7-Feb-2019Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms
19-Feb-2019Kosaido TOB (7868 JP) Situation Gets Weird – Activists and Independent Opposition to an MBO.
26-Feb-2019Kosaido (7868 JP) TOB Extended
19-Mar-2019Kosaido (7868 JP) – Reno Goes Bigger But TOB Price (This Time) Is Final So What Next?

And now there is more below.

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