
Brief Japan: Japan Post Holdings Basing Cycle with Clear Sell and Buy Levels and more

In this briefing:

  1. Japan Post Holdings Basing Cycle with Clear Sell and Buy Levels
  2. Recruit Holdings Placement – A Tiny, Long Overdue Sell Down
  3. Korean Stubs Spotlight: A Pair Trade Between Amorepacific Group & Shiseido
  4. Inventory Clearance and the Semiconductor Cycle
  5. Shinmaywa Own Share Tender Offer at Premium

1. Japan Post Holdings Basing Cycle with Clear Sell and Buy Levels


Japan Post Holdings (6178 JP) rise is moving into an exhaustive resistance zone and due for a hard give back cycle.

Tactical buy supports are compelling for a bigger upside drive given the successful macro backswing support test and ascent that very often opens the way for the macro cycle to make headway, once a corrective cycle terminates. It is this corrective cycle that shows promise for an entry point.

Japan Post Holdings (JPH) does have a short history of volatile swings and will be the challenge within an ongoing basing cycle. We have well defined levels to trade this range tactically while aligning some strong risk pivot supports to reign in risk.

Macro pivot support will define the long term trend for JPH.

2. Recruit Holdings Placement – A Tiny, Long Overdue Sell Down


Toppan Printing (7911 JP) is looking to sell 10.5m shares in Recruit Holdings (6098 JP) for about US$263m. Post-placement, Toppan Printing will still have about 6% stake (103m shares) in Recruit Holdings.

The deal scores well on our framework owing to its strong price and earnings momentum and stellar track record. However, it was offset by its relatively expensive valuation compared to peers. The selldown by Toppan Printing is tiny relative to the three-month ADV which the market would likely be able to absorb. The sell down is also long overdue considering that Toppan Printing skipped the 2016 secondary offering in which many shareholders have participated.

3. Korean Stubs Spotlight: A Pair Trade Between Amorepacific Group & Shiseido

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In this report, we provide an analysis of our pair trade idea between Amorepacific Group (002790 KS) and Shiseido Co Ltd (4911 JP)Our strategy will be to long Amorepacific Group (APG) and short Shiseido. As mentioned in our report, Korean Stubs Biweekly Sigma σ (#1): The Inaugural Edition, our base case strategy is to achieve gains of 8-10% on this pair trade. Our risk control is to close the trade if it generates 4-5% in combined losses. Cost of commissions are not included in the calculations and closing prices as of January 23rd are used in our pair trade. [Long APG – $0.5 million; Short Shiseido – $0.5 million for total of $1.0 million].

The following are the major catalysts that could boost APG shares higher than Shiseido shares within the next six to twelve months: 

  • Amorepacific Group shares are extremely oversold and forming a base
  • THAAD is no longer an issue
  • Amorepacific Group’s NAV discount 
  • Attractive relative valuations
  • Amorepacific’s new headquarters building distraction out of the way
  • Chinese tourists are coming back to Korea & slower growth rate of visitors to Japan

4. Inventory Clearance and the Semiconductor Cycle


A very normal part of the semiconductor cycle is inventory clearance.  DRAM makers are starting to discuss this in their earnings calls.  What they are NOT telling their investors is how significant this is to the onset of a price collapse, perhaps because they don’t understand it themselves.  This Insight will help readers to learn how and why an inventory clearance helps ratchet a budding oversupply into a full-blown glut.

5. Shinmaywa Own Share Tender Offer at Premium

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On 21 January 2019, my favorite manufacturer of garbage trucks, vertical carousel parking infrastructure, sea planes, and jetways – Shinmaywa Industries (7224 JP) – announced a share buyback. This was not unusual. The company bought back shares last year and indicated earlier this year it would seek a relatively high return of capital to shareholders.  In the last five months of 2018, the company bought back 3.6% of shares outstanding, and cancelled those shares at the end of December 2018). 

Indeed, the company on January 9th this year announced a revised dividend forecast for the year ending March 2019. The dividend was lifted by 1 yen. 

The company also announced a new policy of shareholder returns for the year starting April 1. 

While taking into consideration strategic business investment for the future and the internal reserves required for maintaining and expanding the Company’s management foundation, we are aware that appropriate return of profit to shareholders is an important management issue. In that regard, in our Medium-term Management Plan for the three years to the end of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, “Change for Growing, 2020,” (the “Medium-term Management Plan”), which was announced in May 2018, we set up a basic payout ratio on a consolidated basis of 40-50% and carrying out flexible acquisition of treasury shares with a focus on improvement of capital efficiency as basic shareholder return policies.

The company acknowledged the above and announced it would seek to add a commemorative (70th anniversary of incorporation and 100th anniversary of being in business) special dividend of ¥45/share, on top of the normal interim dividend (which is likely to be ¥18-19/share) paid to shareholders as of the end of September 2019.

That was nice, but that was little preparation for the news of 21 January.

  • On that day, the company announced yet another increase in dividend forecast for the current fiscal year, raising the H2 dividend – which had just been raised from ¥18/share to ¥19/share less than two weeks ago – to ¥27/share.
  • The company also announced a Tender Offer to buy back 26.666mm its own shares at a roughly 10.5% premium to last trade.  

That’s a big tender offer. It is ¥40bn and 29.0% of shares outstanding. 

Regular readers of Smartkarma will know that I will have comments on situations like these. 

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