
Brief Japan: Japan – Chinese Flu and more

In this briefing:

  1. Japan – Chinese Flu
  2. Japan Stock Weekly
  3. UUUM (3990) Phenomenal Growth but at a Price.
  4. Renesas: Factory Stoppage Announcement Should Correct Premature Rebound Expectations
  5. Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP): Writing Off the Past

1. Japan – Chinese Flu


By Konstantinos Venetis, Senior Economist

  • Japan skirts recession but near-term prospects remain weak
  • Deflationary headwinds to persist in H1, threatening business spending
  • Recovery likely in late 2019 as world trade finds a firmer footing

2. Japan Stock Weekly


NSK (6471) – operating environment poor, analysts revising down but are we close to the bottom for the share price?

UUUM (3990) – great performer, and business will continue to grow fast. A buy for those who have believe in the growth of internet advertising, and do not mind a lofty valuation. 

Rakuten (4755) – announced IPO of Lyft has helped share price rally. Sum of parts makes this look cheap to us, and we believe they have a sporting chance as a mobile operator. Market is overly negative in our view. 

3. UUUM (3990) Phenomenal Growth but at a Price.


This has been a fantastic performer. Since our buy note one year ago, the shares are up just over 3 times. Earnings growth has been very strong, and much better than we had anticipated. The story is even better now than it was then. Unfortunately, the valuations are not! The company is very focussed on growing revenue for the time being. If one is happy to buy a very fast growing new business, then this is still worth looking at.

4. Renesas: Factory Stoppage Announcement Should Correct Premature Rebound Expectations


We commented previously on 13 Dec 2018 that:

We visited Renesas Electronics (6723 JP) this week to discuss progress on inventory reduction and its likely ramp of utilisation rates/wafer throughput, as well as to gather further details on the IDT acquisition and its long -term strategy. On the whole, we continue to like the long-term picture, consider the stock to be undervalued and believe investors with long time horizons should be looking at the stock on the long side. However, our discussions suggested to us that while production cuts to reduce inventory should be completed this month or at worst in 1Q2019, a ramp in utilisation rates could take longer than is implied by consensus.

Following this comment Renesas Electronics (6723 JP) traded directionally with the market though in very volatile fashion, first dropping 17% before rebounding 69%. Now, with Nikkei reporting that the company would halt production at most facilities during the year and for as much as two months in some cases, the stock is once again giving up its gains and is limit down -14%.  This leaves it just 10% above where we previously commented on the stock and as it approaches the ¥500 level again we feel it is becoming interesting again. We examine the potential financial impact from the production halts below.

5. Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP): Writing Off the Past

8411 mhfg 2019 0131 core%20profits

Mizuho Financial Group (8411 JP) (MHFG) has slashed its forecast for FY3/2019 consolidated net profits from ¥570 billion to just ¥80 billion, citing previously-unbudgeted write-downs on physical branch assets and retail banking software, as well as valuation losses on marking to market part of the group’s foreign bond portfolio, especially on derivative products. Total additional costs to be incurred in FY3/2019 are now expected to be around ¥680 billion.

In effect, MHFG is attempting to ‘clear the decks’ of redundant and uneconomic assets  –  a legacy from its 20th century role as a branch-based deposit taker and lender  –   and is now positioning itself for 21st century ‘cashless’ banking centred on electronic transaction and payment systems.  While this is a laudable effort, MHFG is late to do this; rivals Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group (8306 JP) and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (8316 JP)  slimmed down their branch networks in FY3/2018, incurring heavy costs in doing so.

We remain skeptical that this signals the end of MHFG’s problems, and continue to recommend an Underweight position in Japanese bank stocks generally.

MHFG’s uneconomic asset problems are far from unique.  This news may just be the first of a succession of similar announcements from other banks over the next 2-3 years as they face not only an ongoing ultra-low interest rate environment but now also the stark economic realities of a declining local population, high overheads as a result of over-manned and under-utilised branches, a clear shift towards Internet banking and the increasing use of ‘cashless’ alternative payment systems by retail customers.

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