
Brief Japan: BoJ Steps in as ECB Exits and more

In this briefing:

  1. BoJ Steps in as ECB Exits
  2. Japan Department Store Apparel Sales Down 35% in a Decade
  3. Japanese Supermarket Consolidation Likely and Soon
  4. Japan: Upcycle Intact
  5. Naspers: Softbank Buyback a Guide for Naspers?

1. BoJ Steps in as ECB Exits


By Shweta Singh, Managing Director Global Macro

  • Global central banks turning dovish
  • But BoJ maybe the only DM central bank ‘properly’ injecting liquidity this year
  • European debt – including Italian BTPs – could benefit the most  

2. Japan Department Store Apparel Sales Down 35% in a Decade

Dps 2018b

Last month, the Japan Department Store Association (JDSA) announced a 1.1% drop in sales at department stores for calendar year 2018, with sales also down 0.8% on a same-store basis.

This was a reasonable result in a year when there were many store closures, both permanent and temporary, and slow traffic due to extreme weather events, and of course the background trend of an ageing consumer base.

However, the underlying trend remains clear: apparel sales continue to fall, down more than a third in a decade. Meanwhile, cosmetics has seen its share of sales double.

Since apparel accounts for 30% of department store sales on average and as much as 50% for regional stores, this is a serious weakness. With competition from speciality chains and online intensifying yet further and department stores themselves cutting space for apparel, there is unlikely to be any respite.

For this reason, and with further store closures planned in the next few years, the department store sector will continue to contract.

3. Japanese Supermarket Consolidation Likely and Soon


Signs of consolidation in the supermarket sector have come and gone over the past decade, but recent events suggest there will now be a sustained increase.

Traditionalists, and the wholesalers, who control the sector, point to the positives of greater variety and local food differentiation; yet these are what have kept the sector so fragmented and inefficient.

However, with falling populations and a shift to online buying gradually gaining momentum, as well as encroachment from other sectors such as drugstores, the time is ripe for bigger fish to start eating up the many, many tiddlers. 

4. Japan: Upcycle Intact


Following 3Q’s contraction, economic activity rebounded in the final quarter of 2018 led  by investment spending. Global trade tensions and the planned increase in the consumption tax in 2019 are headwinds but we expect the Japanese economy to sail through. The investment upcycle remains intact underpinned by rising profits and consumption spending well supported by easy monetary and fiscal policy. We reiterate our overweight call on Japanese equities.

5. Naspers: Softbank Buyback a Guide for Naspers?


Recently, Softbank’s (9984 JP) shares jumped +18% after announcing a $5.5bn share buyback. Using Smartkarma’s holdco monitor, the discount to NAV had widened to around 55% prior to the announcement but is now sitting around 40-45%. There were a few key reasons for the buyback: (1) the Softbank Corp (9434 JP) (KK) IPO netted $20bn, giving the company the flexibility to do the buyback, and (2) Softbank is taking a more disciplined approach to further platform investments.

Both these arguments are also available to Naspers (NPN SJ) management and a move to buy back 5% of market cap is feasible and we believe would narrow the discount. The question is whether management are listening. They have been dismissive of buybacks in the past but this could change.

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