Daily BriefsIndustrials

Industrials: Toyo Construction and more

In today’s briefing:

  • Infroneer (5076 JP) Tender Offer for Toyo Construction (1890 JP) Could Get Funky

Infroneer (5076 JP) Tender Offer for Toyo Construction (1890 JP) Could Get Funky

By Travis Lundy

  • INFRONEER Holdings (5076 JP) is the new name of the holding company which was comprised of Maeda Corporation, Maeda Road Construction, and Maeda Seisakusho.
  • Infroneer owns a 20% stake in smaller construction company Toyo Construction (1890 JP) through subsidiary Maeda Construction. It has launched a Tender Offer for the rest at a 28.5% premium.
  • This could get complicated. If you own, I would not sell at terms.

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