
Daily Industrials: Chinese Telcos: 5G Launches in 2019. Buy the 5G Beneficiary (China Tower). and more

In this briefing:

  1. Chinese Telcos: 5G Launches in 2019. Buy the 5G Beneficiary (China Tower).
  2. Toshiba Buyback: Proceeding Apace, But That’s Slow
  3. ZOZO – Buying a Stairway to Heaven
  4. China Tower: More Details on Non Telco Growth Suggest Further Upside to Share Price
  5. M1 Offer Despatched – Dynamics Still Iffy

1. Chinese Telcos: 5G Launches in 2019. Buy the 5G Beneficiary (China Tower).


We highlighted in a recent note Chris Hoare‘s positive outlook for China Tower (788 HK). Our view takes into account the 5G build-out commencing this year, improved capex efficiency from using “social resources”, the rapid growth in non-tower businesses that lie outside the Master Services Agreement (MSA), and the valuation benefit from what looks like surprisingly investor friendly management. 

This note focuses on four key issues facing the Chinese telcos in 2019:

  • 5G capex (March) (this is by far the most important),
  • Regulatory newsflow (February/ March),
  • Operating trend improvements (August), and
  • Emerging business opportunities driving future growth (August).

We remain positive on the telcos which trade at low multiples. China Unicom (762 HK) continues to trade at a discount, yet is most exposed to the positive story emerging at China Tower. We switch our top pick among the telcos from China Mobile (941 HK) back to China Unicom as a result. Alastair Jones thinks China Telecom’s (728 HK) premium multiple is at risk if management execution on the cost base doesn’t improve. It is our least preferred telco at this stage. Overall, we expect China Tower to outperform all telcos and it is our top pick.  The upgrade to China Tower flows through the telcos (valuation and costs) and our new target prices are as follows: China Unicom to HK$14.4, China Telecom to HK$5.4 and China Mobile to HK$96. 

2. Toshiba Buyback: Proceeding Apace, But That’s Slow

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In November 2017, Toshiba Corp (6502 JP) bowed to the inevitable and issued shares in order to shore up shareholder equity ahead of the 31 March 2018 deadline where if the company had not announced a positive shareholder equity number, it would have been delisted according to the Enforcement Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. 

So it issued ¥600 billion of equity in an accelerated privately-negotiated placement to hedge funds. There was some jawboning later from domestic institutions who had not gotten the show on the deal, but they would do well to remember that when Toshiba was in dire straits earlier that year, and continued listing was not guaranteed because of accounting issues which were later overcome (before the equity issuance), it was the hedge funds who bought dozens of percent of the company – not domestic financial institutions. In any case, the equity was predictably needed, but as a way of making it clear that it would not be forever, the release accompanying the financing said the company would accelerate returns to shareholders once the sale of Toshiba Memory Corporation was complete. 

That return of capital to shareholders was announced in June 2018 after the closing of the TMC transaction had been confirmed. Toshiba would buy back ¥700 billion of shares. At the time, that was up to 40% of shares outstanding, but the shares rose as the shares of companies with large buyback plans do, and it took until November to dot the “i”s and cross the “t”s on making sure that the cash in the bank account was deemed distributable capital surplus. On November 8th, a year after announcing the sale of equity, Toshiba announced the start of a Very Large Buyback. A few days later the company announced a large ToSTNeT-3 buyback, offering to buy back all  ¥700 billion of shares the following morning at that day’s close. A week later the company had bought back ¥243 billion or more than 35% of the total buyback then announced further purchases would be made in the market. 

That’s when the fun began. 

For previous recent treatment on the Toshiba buyback, see the following:

    Toshiba: King Street’s Buyback Proposals Lack Required Detail (5 Oct 2018)
    Toshiba’s Buyback – How It Might Work (9 Nov 2018)
    Toshiba’s ToSTNeT-3 Buyback: Unwinding? Another Game of 🐓? (12 Nov 2018)
    Toshiba ToSTNeT-3: Round 2 (¥579bn To Go) (14 Nov 2018)
    Toshiba ToSTNeT-3 Buyback Means 1/3 Done. Off To Buy In The Market Now! (21 Nov 2018)
    Toshiba Buyback Update – Not Banging Down Doors To Get Stock Yet (3 Dec 2018)

3. ZOZO – Buying a Stairway to Heaven

2019 01 08 14 14 29

ZOZO (3092 JP)

Source: Japan Analytics

ONWARD AND OUT – ZOZO (3092 JP), formerly Start Today, has been the sixth-most-traded large capitalisation stock over the last ten trading days after Benefit One (2412 JP), Rizap (2928 JP), Takeda Pharmaceutical (4502 JP)Hoshizaki (6465 JP), and Workman Co Ltd (7564 JP). According to Nikkei XTECH, on 25th December apparel maker Onward (8016 JP) suspended selling of its products on ZOZOTOWN and will leave the platform altogether. Although Onward products are estimated to account for less than 3% of total transactions on the site, there are concerns that other apparel makers will follow suit as a result of the emerging direct competition on the site from ZOZO’s private label. Since reaching our 4.0 ‘Overbought’ threshold on 9th July 2018, ZOZO shares have corrected by 57% – the worst performance of any large cap from that date – as concerns mounted over the private brand strategy and the behaviour of CEO Yusaku Maezawa.  Since bottoming on 4th January, the shares have risen by 18% following positive comments from the CEO about sales over the New Year holiday period.    

PRIVATE-LABEL STRETCH GOALS– The ‘teething problems’ of ZOZO entering the private-label apparel business have been well-documented by Michael Causton in a recent Insight on Smartkarma. Michael rightly questions the feasibility of the company scaling a ¥200b apparel business within the next three years while targeting an additional incremental ¥400b in e-commerce revenue, particularly as it has taken ZOZO twenty years to reach the first ¥100b in annual revenues. In the DETAIL section below, we shall examine ZOZO’s current and possible future financial condition as it strives to become one of the top-ten global fashion retailers. 

‘ZOSO’ & THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN – In addition to some notable purchases of modern art at record-breaking prices, CEO Maezawa also last year booked himself on Space X’s first flight to the moon. With apologies, the lyrics of the peerless song from Led Zeppelin’s untitled fourth album – known by fans as ‘Zoso’ after the symbol designed by Jimmy Page for the inner sleeve – come to mind:- 

There’s a lad(y) who’s sure
All that glitters is gold
(s)he’s buying a stairway to heaven
(s)he gets there (s)he knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word 
(s)he can get what (s)he came for.

4. China Tower: More Details on Non Telco Growth Suggest Further Upside to Share Price

China tower since ipo rallying as growth prospects become clearer last price volume m  chartbuilder

After initially being very skeptical of the China Tower (788 HK) IPO given it is essentially a price take to its three largest shareholders, we changed our view in early December to a more positive outlook. What changed our view has been series of calls and meetings with the company that suggested a more shareholder friendly approach than expected and a real opportunity to reduce capex substantially through the use of “social resources” (e.g. electricity grid, local government sites). These can be used to deliver co-locations without building towers and poles and imply much lower capital intensity at a time when revenue growth will be accelerating as 5G is rolled out.  Management has also given more detail on non-Tower business prospects which can generate higher returns (not under the Master Services Agreement). While small now (2% of revenue) they are growing rapidly. With lower capex than initially guided and a more shareholder friendly management (i.e. higher dividends are possible) we reduce the SOE discount and raise our forecasts (again). We remain at BUY with a new target price of HK$2.20

5. M1 Offer Despatched – Dynamics Still Iffy

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On January 7th after the close of trading, Konnectivity Pte. Ltd officially announced the launch of its Offer to by M1 Ltd (M1 SP)

The closing date, as clear there, is 4 February. 

After three-plus months of speculation that Axiata Group (AXIATA MK) was unhappy with the price and might make a counter-offer, no offer has been forthcoming. 

After I wrote on the 2nd in M1 Offer Coming – Market Odds Suggest a Bump But… that the reward/risk did not look that great, shares drifted downward from the S$2.09-2.11 area and into the afternoon of the 7th, traded in the S$2.05-2.07 range, which was the first time in months the shares had traded at or below the prospective offer price. 

chart source:

Some 20mm+ shares (5.5% of the shares out other than the three major holders) traded between 3pm Singapore time on the 7th and a few minutes after the open the day after the announcement. Then part-way through the day, someone bought a large number of shares lifting the share price two spreads for a while. Since then, the shares have settled back down to the $2.07-2.08 range.

Depending on your opinion of the likelihood of a bump, your execution strategy will differ. It’s still not clear that a bump or counterbid will be forthcoming, but at S$2.07, the risks are better than they were higher. 

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