
Brief Industrials: The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote and more

In this briefing:

  1. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote
  2. Notes from the Silk Road: Smartgroup Corporation Ltd (SIQ.AX) – Multiple Expansion Potential
  3. Tesla – Truth and Consequences
  4. Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile
  5. Harmonic Drive: Measuring the Potential Downside Risk

1. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote

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This insight is a kind of public service announcement for investors looking at the Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) situation as it might affect the likely upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting that the Ernst Göhner Foundation requested of Panalpina, and to which Panalpina has acquiesced. The agenda item of the EGM requested is to implement a “One Share One Vote” system. 

Activist Cevian has come out against the proposal by the Ernst Göhner Foundation. This sounds counterintuitive except for one odd legal angle.

The Foundation’s ostensible goal is to ensure that the vote is “fair” so that Cevian and Artisan Partners can vote their full stake after having been capped at 5% for many years because of Article 5 in the Panalpina Articles of Association. The more cunning aspect of this is that, as per the Panalpina announcement

In a letter addressed to Panalpina’s Board of Directors, minority shareholder Cevian had recently questioned the practice to fully admit EGF with all its voting rights at the Company’s shareholders’ meetings. Cevian took the position that the voting restriction of 5% must be applied to all shareholders and, hence the voting power of EGF must be reduced to 5%. An ad hoc board of independent directors (BoiD) consisting of five directors (without representatives of EGF and Cevian) and chaired by Thomas E. Kern, is currently evaluating the situation based on expert opinions submitted by each of EGF and Cevian and based on independent expert advice obtained by the BoiD.

The Foundation knows that their position may be legally weak, and their position could be capped at 5% rather than grandfathered. Indeed, the “independent expert advice” obtained by Cevian includes the opinions of “four leading Swiss stockbrokers” who had come to the conclusion that the Foundation had been unlawfully excluded from the 5% cap, according to this Reuters article on the 26th. The company states that the Ernst Göhner Foundation is and has been exempted from this rule because of “grandfathering” because it owned the shares before the implementation of the rule, but there is nothing in the Articles of Association which grants the EGF that exemption. The full Cevian press releases in English and German are available through their spokesperson and are attached below (at the bottom of the insight).

Another Reuters article discussed the situation, with quotes from Cevian, and added this tidbit at the end.

An ad hoc board of independent directors consisting of five directors, without representatives of EGF and Cevian…will review the proposal and decide how the voting on it will take place at the extraordinary general meeting,” spokeswoman Edna Ayme-Yahil said.

Investors should note…..

The last paragraph of Article 5 of the Panalpina Articles of Association says “No entries shall be made in the register of shareholders following the dispatch of the convocation to the Shareholders’ Meeting until the day after the Shareholders’ Meeting.” This is a little different than is the case for many large Swiss companies where they give the convocation and investors may subsequently register their shares.

For Novartis AG (NOVN SW), which held its AGM today (28 Feb 2019), the deadline for registering shares was 3 days prior to the AGM as shown on p6 in the Organizational Notes on the AGM Notice.

Temenos Group Ag (TEMN SW) last year set their registration deadline 13 days ahead of the AGM, which is further away, but the Convocation Notice had been sent 47 days before the AGM.

In Panalpina’s case, if you are not registered by the time the company sends out the convocation, there is no requirement for the company to admit your shares to the register even if there is plenty of time to do so (though the Board can make exceptions to the entry restriction).

For investors interested in or concerned about the situation, there are measures which may be advisable to implement ASAP to ensure you can vote.

2. Notes from the Silk Road: Smartgroup Corporation Ltd (SIQ.AX) – Multiple Expansion Potential

Australia total vehicle sales

Whilst Smartgroup Corporation Limited (SIQ) has reported a  solid set of 2018 earnings, the real story is not the results, but the outlook.

We examine the potential for the company to simply deliver a multiple expansion. If SIQ succeeds with some further consolidation of acquisitions. The potential for this Event-driven upside is significant if this is combined with additional earnings trends. 

Furthermore, the stock rank system which the company is benchmarked against suggests potential to post an upgrade, which inevitably fuels share price performance. 

3. Tesla – Truth and Consequences


Tesla Motors (TSLA US) CEO Elon Musk teased in a tweet late Wednesday night about “news” coming on Thursday, most likely something he hopes will be positive enough to divert attention from a seemingly unending stream of bad news. If so, it may not last.

Tesla’s problems aren’t going away, they’re escalating:

The common theme here is that all these problems were preventable, avoidable, and unnecessary

That’s not going away any time soon–as long as Musk remains in complete control.

How long will that be? 

Good question–Read on as Bond Angle analysis continues.

4. Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile

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Descente Ltd (8114 JP) has been in the press quite a bit in recent days with management commentary about how the company and directors disagree with the Tender Offer launched by Itochu Corp (8001 JP) to raise their stake from 30% to 40% and how it could lead to conflict of interest and worsening management, lower morale for employees, and a loss of independence.

Management, former management, and former employees have all joined the party. Wednesday saw a significant sell-down of shares to a post-Tender Offer low, but it was not clear why.

Descente had, on the 26th, noted in a puff piece in the Nikkei that it would move up the release of its next Mid-Term (Three Year) Plan (normally due in May this year), and it would focus on growing direct sales in China through more stores, growing sales in the US through adding products to the list (currently the major product in North America is skiwear), selling LeCoq Sportif in Indonesia and Munsingwear in Vietnam. WHEN is unknown, but the explicit goal is to encourage shareholders to keep their shares rather than tender them to Itochu.

Today saw a new filing from Itochu in which it amended its original announcement, claimed Descente’s activity in the media was additional and additive to the Target Company Position Statement filed on 7 February, and for that reason, their activity had not been appropriately disclosed to shareholders. Furthermore, Itochu noted that while the jibber-jabber had been going on the last two-plus weeks, Descente had asked Itochu to negotiate post-Tender management structure plans, and Itochu had agreed. Itochu and Descente talked for 9 days from 11-20 Feb but Descente was bad-mouthing Itochu in the press at the same time. That induced Itochu to stop talks. And late today, the Nikkei has released a 27 February interview with the CEO of ANTA, Itochu’s longtime textile partner in China and a 6.86% holder of Descente shares, where he says that he supports Itochu’s tender offer, will not sell their shares in Descente, and would support Itochu efforts to restructure management. 

These three new developments change things in interesting ways, in my opinion pushing Descente’s own plans closer to Itochu’s, and introducing the possibility of significantly more hostility to come, with a much higher likelihood Itochu can win the proxy wars to come. 

In-depth analysis below the fold.

Previous insights on the situation and its runup are listed below.

Recent Insights on the Descente/Wacoal and Itochu/Descente Situations on Smartkarma

12-Sep-2018Michael CaustonWacoal and Descente Agree Partial Merger to Head Off Itochu
16-Oct-2018Michael Causton Itochu Ups Stake in Descente – Refuses to Give up Dreams of Takeover
21-Jan-2019Michael Causton Itochu Confirms Intent to Deepen Hold over Descente
31-Jan-2019Travis LundyNo Détente for Descente: Itochu Launches Partial Tender
10-Feb-2019Michael Causton Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off
10-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)

5. Harmonic Drive: Measuring the Potential Downside Risk


With Harmonic Drive Systems (6324 JP) having rebounded as much as 56% from its trough this year, risk-reward looks decidedly less attractive now. While we had been somewhat constructive on the name due to order looking like they have a hit bottom, a closer analysis of the breakdown of orders has us thinking that a potential rebound could underwhelm relative to the markets revenue expectations and that the stock’s premium multiple could leave it more vulnerable than more modestly priced peers.

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