
Brief Industrials: Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer and more

In this briefing:

  1. Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer
  2. CEVA Logistics: Okay, Now You Can Tender
  3. Jain Irrigation: From Up Close The Crop Doesn’t Look Healthy
  4. Harbin Electric’s Offer: One For The Brave
  5. Quick Update on ZTO Express: Results OK, but Guidance Unimpressive

1. Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer

I should have seen this coming. The asset is juicy enough, and they have a large enough stake, and the company is small enough, that this is an easy trade to do if you can get the funding. It makes eminent sense to be able to put the money down and go for it. 

I have covered this minor disaster of an MBO (Management BuyOut) of Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) since it was launched, with the original question of what one could do (other than refuse). Famed/notorious Japanese activist Yoshiaki Murakami and his associated companies started buying in and then the stock quickly cleared the Bain Capital Japan vehicle’s bid price. The deal was extended, then the Bain bid was raised to ¥700/share last week with the minimum threshold set at 50.01% not 66.67% but still the shares had not traded that low, and did not following the news. But Bain played chicken with Murakami and the market in its amended filing, including the words 「公開買付者は、本開買付条件の変更後の本公開買付価格を最終的なものとし、今後、本公開買付価格を一切変更しないことの決定をしております。」which roughly translates to “The Offeror, having changed the terms, has made This Tender Offer Price final, and from this point onward, has decided to absolutely not raise the Tender Offer Price.”

So now Murakami-san has launched a Tender Offer of his own. Murakami-affiliated entities Minami Aoyama Fudosan KK and Reno KK have launched a Tender Offer at ¥750/share to buy a minimum of 9,100,900 shares and a maximum of all remaining shares. The entities currently own 3,355,900 shares (13.47%) between them – up from 11.71% reported up through yesterday [as noted in yesterday’s insight, it looked likely from the volume and trading patterns prior to yesterday’s Large Shareholder Report that they had continued buying]. 

Buying a minimum of 9,100,900 shares at ¥750/share should be easier for Murakami-san’s bidding entity than buying a minimum of 12,456,800 shares (Bain Capital’s minimum threshold) at ¥700/share, but the Murakami TOB Tender Agent is Mita Securities, which is a lesser-known agent and it is possible that the main agent for the Bain tender (SMBC Securities) could make life difficult for its account holders.

The likelihood that Murakami-san doesn’t have his bid funded or won’t follow through is, in my eyes, effectively zero. Tender Offer announcements are vetted by both the Kanto Local Finance Bureau and the Stock Exchange. You know this has been in the works for a couple of weeks simply because of that aspect. But one of the two documents released today includes an explanation of the process Murakami-san’s companies have gone through to arrive at this bid, and that tells you it may have gone on longer.

So what next? The easy answer is there is now a put at ¥750/share. Unless there is not. Weirder things have happened.

Read on…

For Recent Insights on the Kosaido Situation Published on Smartkarma…

21-Jan-2019Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do?
7-Feb-2019Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms
19-Feb-2019Kosaido TOB (7868 JP) Situation Gets Weird – Activists and Independent Opposition to an MBO.
26-Feb-2019Kosaido (7868 JP) TOB Extended
19-Mar-2019Kosaido (7868 JP) – Reno Goes Bigger But TOB Price (This Time) Is Final So What Next?

And now there is more below.

2. CEVA Logistics: Okay, Now You Can Tender


CMA CGM SA (144898Z FP) has 89.47% of Ceva Logistics AG (CEVA SW) and will now move to squeeze out and delist. The additional tender period will run from 20 March to 2 April.

After issuing the prospectus back in late January, CEVA’s board of directors recommended shareholders to not tender shares in the belief that shareholders could realise a higher value with their continuing investment.

Investors thought otherwise and have cashed out at CHF 30/share, a 62.8% premium to the undisturbed price. The massive share price under performance of CEVA subsequent to its listing on the 4 May 2018 – down 33% five months out from the IPO – would have crystallized that decision to tender.

CEVA’s board now recommend shareholders tender into the upcoming additional offer period. If delisting occurs, it is expected concurrently occur with a squeeze-out, which would be expected to take place in the third quarter of 2019 once all stock exchange and other legal conditions are fulfilled.

3. Jain Irrigation: From Up Close The Crop Doesn’t Look Healthy


Notwithstanding, the revenue growth Jain Irrigation Systems (JI IN) (JISL) seems to be lacking efficiency in utilization of fixed assets. The sale of stake in a subsidiary company raises eyebrow. Another bug that should bother JISL is the quality of its earnings. This impairs any positive forecast on operating profit. The situation becomes sticky when the issues of free cash flow, performance of subsidiaries and threat to goodwill are thrown in the matrix. 

4. Harbin Electric’s Offer: One For The Brave


Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK)‘s (“HE”) composite doc for its merger by absorption has been dispatched. HE’s major shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (HEC), an SOE, is seeking to delist the company by way of a merger by absorption at HK$4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close. The offer has been declared final. The IFA (Somerley) considers the offer fair & reasonable.

As HE is PRC-incorporated with unlisted domestic shares, the transaction is executed as a hybrid scheme/tender offer. The proposal requires ≥ 75% for, ≤10% against, in a scheme-like vote from independent H-shareholders. HEC holds no H shares. A 10% blocking stake is equal to 67.5mn shares. Should the resolution pass, the tendering acceptance condition in this two-step Offer is 90% of H shares out. Those who do not tender will be left holding unlisted scrip.

Indicative Timetable


Data in the Date

Composite doc
H Share Class meeting/EGM
Close of acceptances, Last date to be declared unconditional.
Last day of trading on HKEx
Payment. Assuming unconditional on the 20 May.
Last day for Offer remaining open for acceptance, assuming unconditional on 20 May
Source: Composite doc (page 3-5 of the PDF)

A Word on Harbin’s Net Cash

As at 31 Dec 2018*





Notes payable
CNYHKD exchange rate
In HK$
Shares out
Per share
Source: Composite doc, CapIQ, Bloomberg. *Eikon’s number is at 30 June

In my prior insight, I discussed how the offer was below Harbin’s net cash, using CapIQ 1H18 numbers. That conclusion was not correct. While CapIQ’s net cash exceeds the consideration, its number excludes notes payable, a material number.

Using FY18 figures provided in the composite document, I estimate net cash/share of $3.18, ~70% of the consideration payment. Bloomberg’s number is higher again, while my understanding is Eikon’s $1.73/share (as at 30 June 2018) net cash figure includes (I have not verified, nor drawn a conclusion whether this would indeed be correct) deposits from customers and banks.

What to Do?

The significant offer premium to last close, the material drop in FY18 profit and the zero possibility of a competitive bidder emerging, suggests this Offer falls over the line.

The blocking stake at the H-share meeting is a risk. Although no single shareholder has the requisite stake to block the deal, collectively it is achievable.

The 90% tendering also, prima facie, appears a risk; yet such an acceptance threshold is not uncommon (Shanghai Forte (2337 HK) also required a 90% acceptance condition in 2011; while Hunan Nonferrous Metals H (2626 HK)‘s 2015 merger by absorption required 85%) and once the EGM resolution has been approved, there is little incentive to hold onto shares as Harbin will be delisted. Shares cannot be compulsory acquired.

However, I still consider “fair” to be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers.

Dissension rights are available, although I am not aware of any precedents, nor the calculation methodology of a “fair price” under such a dissension, nor the timing of payment. 

Trading at a wide gross/annualised spread of 9.6%/61.4%, implying a >80% chance of completion. The current downside should this break is 40%. I don’t see an attractive risk/reward here.

5. Quick Update on ZTO Express: Results OK, but Guidance Unimpressive

Zto capex

After reviewing 4Q18 results and guidance for 2019, we retain our negative view of ZTO. For 2019 and 2020, we continue to expect slower top-line growth, margin compression, and a sharp increase in CapEx requirements. Our 2019-20 EPS forecasts and target price of $13.31 remain unchanged.

With help from a sharp increase in non-operating income, ZTO’s 4Q18 Adjusted EPS met consensus expectations of $0.24per ADS. But FY19Adjusted Net Profit guidance fell short of expectations, and management’s decision to withdraw quarterly guidance altogether is also disappointing.

ZTO’s gross margin fell ~370 bps in 4Q18 due to cost pressures and the rapid growth of certain low-margin businesses. We believe the same factors will continue to put downward pressure on margins in 2019 and 2020.

ZTO stated during the earnings call that Capex this year would increase by 50-100% compared to the 4bn RMB the company spent in 2018. According to management, much of the increase will go into building out ‘last-mile’ and rural infrastructure and we suspect the initial returns on these investments will be poor

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