
Brief India: Politics, Uncertainty and Bad Policy: The Third Wheels of Profits and the Investment Cycle and more

In this briefing:

  1. Politics, Uncertainty and Bad Policy: The Third Wheels of Profits and the Investment Cycle
  2. China – Eurozone Negative Feedback Loop.
  3. Bharti Airtel Buy on Short Lived Breach Below Support
  4. Embassy Office Parks REIT – Comparison with AIT and a Look at the Required Yield
  5. Receding Political Gains to the Ruling Party, Possible Threat to the Markets

1. Politics, Uncertainty and Bad Policy: The Third Wheels of Profits and the Investment Cycle


Our positive view of the Asian region in 2018 was not reflected in stock market performance. But now is not the time to discard fundamentals and fundamental analysis. Unlike the US, the Asian region is in the early stages of a profit upcycle. As we have argued on many occasions, that is the building block required to kick start the investment cycle. But theoretical explanations of the growth process aside, is there any empirical support for the argument that profits and investment, and therefore growth, are related? We would answer in the affirmative and, in the following report, we try to show how the process works and where Asia stands on two of our Austrian Stress Indicators (ASIs). Market volatility aside, the conditions for good growth gains are firmly in place in most of the region.

2. China – Eurozone Negative Feedback Loop.

Historically, Germany and China have depended on exports to lead growth. With the US unwilling to play the role of consumer of last resort and being determined to limit its current account deficit,  this avenue is not available anymore. In the absence of a rethink by German policy makers as to how to make German growth more self -sustaining a deflationary feedback loop is developing between the EU and China. 

3. Bharti Airtel Buy on Short Lived Breach Below Support


Bharti Airtel (BHARTI IN) corrective cycle does not appear complete with risk of a final spike lower  below key pivot support. It is this crack lower that we want to take advantage of.

Sell volume spike implies the flat range will break lower. 

Daily cycle triangulation sides with a press below pivot support. An upside break of this triangle would trigger a tactical long but would lack needed gas for a sustainable drive.

Weekly MACD is seeking a bottoming/basing cycle that will turn the cycle higher once we see a final capitulation spike below pivot support as we did back in 2008, 2010 and 2012.

4. Embassy Office Parks REIT – Comparison with AIT and a Look at the Required Yield


Embassy Office Parks REIT (EOP IN) plans to raise around US$1bn in its India IPO. EOP will primarily hold office assets in Bengaluru, Pune and Noida with a total portfolio size of US$4.2bn. 

In my previous insight, Embassy Office Parks REIT – Good Assets but Projections Might Be a Tad Too Bullish I covered the company background and its projected growth. In this insight, I’ll compare it to its closest listed peer, Ascendas India Trust (AIT SP) and add in the performance of other yield driven listings in India.

5. Receding Political Gains to the Ruling Party, Possible Threat to the Markets

Post the downing of the Indian Air Force (IAF) MIG-21 by Pakistan over its territory and the capture and subsequent return of the pilot, the narrative which was strongly in favour of Narendra  Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rapidly spiralled downwards. Whether the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) entered Indian air space to deliberately attack Indian targets and was driven back, or it was a lure to ambush the IAF aircraft over Pakistani airspace, is not yet clear, but the stark acknowledgement that the IAF MIG-21 had been downed and the pilot captured, and  a video of his capture and  interrogation broadcasted on social media, were setbacks to the Indian government and its military. Although the Indian government claimed that a PAF F-16 was brought down (although some Indian defense commentators are stating that this is evidence of the downed PAF F-16), Pakistan is denying any loss of its aircraft.

If the market was banking on a decisive Modi victory in the 2019 national elections in the immediate aftermath of the IAF strike on Bagalkot that has been dissipated with the capture and return of the IAF pilot. Unless another such event arises (or is generated), the outcome of the national elections in India will be determined by political alliances and the socio-economic conditions of the electorate; national security concerns may play a secondary role

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