
Brief India: Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO and more

In this briefing:

  1. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO
  2. TRADE IDEA – Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) Stub: Rise

1. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO

Fortis Healthcare (FORH IN) ‘s hospital business continued to improve in FQ3 while the lab business remained stable. This Insight briefly focuses on the highlights of the results and their implications. The hiring of a CEO out of Narayana Hrudayalaya (NARH IN) signals continued (and likely intensified) focus on efficiency to improve profitability. 

We continue to think that Fortis is a promising turnaround story. Refer to the Insight Stream for the history of this situation.

2. TRADE IDEA – Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) Stub: Rise


The company that brought the off-road vehicle to post-war India in the 1940s has grown into a leading personal vehicle manufacturer covering land, air and sea. Merely making cars, planes and boats wasn’t ambitious enough for this company though, the conglomerate wouldn’t be complete without a financial services and tech consulting business under the corporate umbrella. 

Indian holding companies typically trade a wider discount to NAV than their East Asian counterparts, however the 42% discount to NAV that Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) currently trades at, is a trough level historically for the company. In the body of this insight I will present my case for a stub trade on the company, detailing the business structure, performance and the unlisted stub businesses.

In this insight I will cover:

I. The Trade

II. Group Overview and Stub Business Review

III. My Track Record with Stub Trades

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