Daily BriefsHealthcare

Health Care: Bio FD&C, Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, Genscript Biotech and more

In today’s briefing:

  • Bio FD&C IPO Preview
  • Simcere Pharmaceutical (2096 HK): Focus Shifts to Innovative Drug; COVID-19 Oral Drug in Development
  • Genscript Biotech (1548.HK) – The Strength and the Concerns

Bio FD&C IPO Preview

By Douglas Kim

  • Bio FD&C is getting ready to complete its IPO in the Korean stock market in February 2022. 
  • Founded in 2005, Bio FD&C is a company that develops anti-aging materials with plant cell line design and plant cell culture technology.
  • Currently, Bio FD&C hasa gray market price of 90,000 won, which is 210% higher than the high end of the IPO price range.

Simcere Pharmaceutical (2096 HK): Focus Shifts to Innovative Drug; COVID-19 Oral Drug in Development

By Tina Banerjee

  • Simcere Pharmaceutical Group (2096 HK) is transitioning to an innovation and R&D-driven pharmaceutical company, with revenue from innovative pharmaceuticals making greater contribution and R&D pipeline of innovative pharmaceuticals advancing rapidly.
  • During H1 2021, Simcere newly added 5 pivotal registrational trials and phase III clinical trials and 1 phase I clinical trial, and received 7 clinical trial approvals.
  • Simcere entered into three international partnerships to develop and market innovative drugs in China. The company has also in-licensed an oral COVID-19 drug candidate, which is in pre-clinical stage.

Genscript Biotech (1548.HK) – The Strength and the Concerns

By Xinyao (Criss) Wang

  • China attaches great importance to gene therapy and related products, which would be a leader of the third industrial revolution in biomedicine and have broad prospects for future development.
  • With obvious strength in this field,Genscript Biotech (1548 HK)’s businesses are in line with the future trend and the outlook is also quite promising, indicating exponential growth potential in valuation.
  • However, the potential risks on deterioration of international relations and the concerns on CAR-T commercialization should not be neglected by investors.

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