
Daily Event-Driven: Sathorn Series M: TMB-Thanachart Courtship and more

In this briefing:

  1. Sathorn Series M: TMB-Thanachart Courtship

1. Sathorn Series M: TMB-Thanachart Courtship

Right before Christmas, the Ministry of Finance confirms that both Thanachart and KTB were in talks to merge with TMB. We note that:

  • Considering that KTB’s earlier courtship failed once, it is more likely, but by no means guaranteed, for the deal with Thanachart to happen.
  • A deal with Thanachart would leave TMB as the acquirer rather than the target. Thanachart’s management has better track record than TMB.
  • Both banks have undergone extensive deals before this one: 1) TMB acquired DBS Thai Danu and IFCT; and 2) Thanachart engineered an acquisition of the much bigger, but struggling, SCIB.
  • A merger between the two would still leave them smaller than BAY and not really change the bank rankings, but it would give TMB a bigger presence in asset management and hire-purchase finance and an re-entry into the securities business.