
Daily Event-Driven: Motherson In Merger Talks with One of Our Previously Short-Listed Candidates – Leoni and more

In this briefing:

  1. Motherson In Merger Talks with One of Our Previously Short-Listed Candidates – Leoni
  2. LG Electronics Share Class: Long Pref/Short Common on a 4Y High Discount & Div Yield Gap
  3. Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised
  4. Hyundai Motor & Hyundai Mobis Pair: Owner Buying Mobis May Create Divergence in Favor of Motor
  5. Takeda: Move Over Newton! Now It’s Spooky Action At a Distance

1. Motherson In Merger Talks with One of Our Previously Short-Listed Candidates – Leoni


On Friday, following news about entering merger/acquisition talks with Leoni AG (LEO GR), shares of Motherson Sumi Systems (MSS IN) closed up 3.1% up to INR166. Leoni’s stock, on the other hand, increased by 2.7% at Friday’s close, although the stock has been experiencing a declining trend over the past year. We mentioned in Two More Acquisitions on the Way for Motherson Sumi, that Leoni could be a potential acquisition target for Motherson in its wire harnessing segment, although on the higher end of the size spectrum. The company representatives have not commented on this acquisition news and the deal is not finalised yet. Thus, this could simply remain at the discussion stage with no real transaction taking place.

 Leoni has been experiencing a decline in its earnings during the recent quarters of FY2018, expecting negative free cashflows for FY2018E. However, recent news is that Leoni has recently been undertaking a comprehensive restructuring programme after cutting its earnings target for FY2018E and has appointed a new chief executive in September to lead these efforts. Further, it should be noted that Leoni is a well-established company in the auto components business and thus, could overcome its current struggles and be in a good position to exploit the long-term growth prospects of this market. Thus, acquiring Leoni is likely to strengthen Motherson’s position globally by providing the latter with increased coverage geographically and product wise. 

2. LG Electronics Share Class: Long Pref/Short Common on a 4Y High Discount & Div Yield Gap


  • LG Group’s tech affiliates will likely increase dividends this year. Local street expects a ₩500 yearend dividend for LGE Common, up 25% YoY. Pref will get ₩550. Dividend yield difference will be 1.28%p, highest since 2015. Price gap should be narrowing as we move towards the end of the year.
  • On 20D moving average, we don’t seem to have an opening for stat arb. But on 2Y mean, we have room for mean reversion. This is a 6~7% potential yield. Improved street sentiments on LGE fundamentals next year will also push this mean reversion. I’d go long Pref and short Common at this point to hunt for this.

3. Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised


Power generation equipment manufacturer Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) is currently suspended pursuant to Hong Kong’s Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs, suggesting a privatisation offer from parent Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) is pending.

HE is PRC incorporated, therefore a privatisation by way of a merger by absorption may be proposed, similar to Advanced Semiconductor Mfg Corp Ltd. (3355 HK) as discussed in ASMC’s Merger By Absorption. 

HE has perennially traded at discount to net cash. As at its last traded price, the discount to net cash (using the 2018 interim figure of HK$12.4bn or HK$7.27/share) was 65%.

HE issued 329mn domestic shares (~47.16% of the existing issued domestic shares and ~24.02% of the existing total issued shares) to its parent in January this year, at HK$4.56/share or a 60.9% discount to the June 2017 book value.  A similar discount to the June 2018 book value backs out HK$4.15/share, or ~67% upside from the undisturbed price, in line with the premium to ASMC’s Offer. 

A privatisation would require a scheme-like vote for the H-shares. HEC holds no H shares. There are 675mn H shares and no single shareholder controls a 10% (or more) blocking stake.

Dissension rights are available according to HE’s articles of association, although what constitutes a “fair price” under those rights, and the timing of the settlement under such rights, are not evident. 

There are likely to be the customary PRC regulatory approvals required, however as HEC is already the controlling shareholder and an SOE, these conditions are not in doubt.

Should an offer emerge, expect completion in ~6 months from the initial announcement.

4. Hyundai Motor & Hyundai Mobis Pair: Owner Buying Mobis May Create Divergence in Favor of Motor


  • Hyundai Motor Co (005380 KS) and Hyundai Mobis (012330 KS) are way more correlated than what internal sales dependency suggests. Their 2Y correlation coefficient is 0.84. The scatter chart shows they are clearly cointegrated.
  • The owner family potentially buying Mobis shares may create divergence in favor of Motor. They need to sell their Motor shares to buy Mobis shares. The higher Motor price and the lower Mobis price are, the happier and wealthier they become.
  • Current price ratio is a little below 2Y stat mean. I expect it to reach a +0.5~1 σ level on 2Y SD. This is a 4.5~9% yield. I’d go long Motor and short Mobis to hunt for this. 

5. Takeda: Move Over Newton! Now It’s Spooky Action At a Distance

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Over the weekend I published Softbank Corp, Takeda, and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Newton’s Three Laws helpfully guide one to understanding the nature of interaction of forces and bodies and the motion which results. Later, Euler’s laws of motion applied a framework for rigid and continuum bodies, and since then “action at a distance” has been replaced be Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.

After I wrote the bit about one part of the index impact, FTSE unhelpfully changed their mind on timing based on an unhelpful change by the LSE. On Monday, the TSE exercised its discretion – clearly stated in the TOPIX Index Guidebook on p4 (2nd sentence of the opening paragraph) as something it may do – to go its own course in how it will adapt index changes to the first couple of increases in share count due to mergers with foreign corporations.

If an event not specified in this document occurs, or if TSE determines that it is difficult to use the methods described in this document, TSE may use an alternative method of index calculation as it deems appropriate.

So with the changes at FTSE and now TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400, we no longer have quite the same clarity of forces on the bodies, and therefore less clarity on the resulting motion. The LSE’s announced market change appears to have led the MSCI to change its deletion date for Shire as well, now also (along with FTSE) deleting Shire at the close of the 21st (announcement early this AM Asia time).

Investors have prepared based on the idea that there was a reasonably tight relationship – helped because it was a lot of force applied in a short period (selling and buying all done in a short period in January) between the particles. Now that relationship is being stretched. A lot. 

The problem resembles that which Einstein famously pooh-poohed as “Spooky Action At a Distance”. Schrödinger called this entanglement – and it turns out to be one of the weirder branches of quantum mechanics – a field broken wide open by Bell’s Theorem a decade after Einstein shuffled off this mortal coil* – and about which John Wheeler famously said, “If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it.”

I cheerfully say quantum mechanics completely baffles me. 

I less cheerfully say this whole episode with Takeda and index providers has baffled me too.

But it is important to note that the timing and implications are vastly different than expected just two trading days ago. And the difference is worth thinking about. When the FTSE/MSCI net sell of risk was just 3 days apart, there was a clear connection across that three day distance. Now, the 6-10 week spread of time between the FTSE/MSCI events, the weird two weeks of SETSqx illiquid purgatory just as everyone is full up of risk, then the walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Flowback before we get the first really good net index inclusion to cover the Shire risk people have been dumping for months means that the certainty of understanding the movement of the particle on the other side is substantially lower.

If it all works out well, it might just be Spooky Action At a Distance.

*And there, of course, you have the third Hamlet reference this month… I haz all your Shakespeares!