
Brief Event-Driven: TRADE IDEA – Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) Stub: Rise and more

In this briefing:

  1. TRADE IDEA – Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) Stub: Rise
  2. Kosaido TOB (7868 JP) Situation Gets Weird – Activists and Independent Opposition to an MBO.
  3. Best World (BEST SP): Not the Best Financials to Disprove The Business Times Allegations
  4. M1 Offer Unconditional as Axiata Tenders
  5. Hansae Holdco/Sub Trade: Huge Divergence Now, Sub Price Rally Should Be Resisted Here

1. TRADE IDEA – Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) Stub: Rise


The company that brought the off-road vehicle to post-war India in the 1940s has grown into a leading personal vehicle manufacturer covering land, air and sea. Merely making cars, planes and boats wasn’t ambitious enough for this company though, the conglomerate wouldn’t be complete without a financial services and tech consulting business under the corporate umbrella. 

Indian holding companies typically trade a wider discount to NAV than their East Asian counterparts, however the 42% discount to NAV that Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) currently trades at, is a trough level historically for the company. In the body of this insight I will present my case for a stub trade on the company, detailing the business structure, performance and the unlisted stub businesses.

In this insight I will cover:

I. The Trade

II. Group Overview and Stub Business Review

III. My Track Record with Stub Trades

2. Kosaido TOB (7868 JP) Situation Gets Weird – Activists and Independent Opposition to an MBO.

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When the Tender Offer / MBO for Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) was announced last month, my first reaction was that this was wrong. It was couched as being management-supportive, had one large independent shareholder agreeing to tender, and the it was touted as an effort to improve the printing and other “info” businesses such as staffing, and similar.

There was no mention of the fact that 94+% of the profits the last few years came from a majority stake in an external company which conducted funeral rites and services across a well-known chain of six large funeral parlours in Tokyo. Neither that company’s name nor the business segment it operates in were mentioned in the document (Japanese only) announcing the intention to conduct the MBO and if you look on the Kosaido website, you have to dig somewhat deeply to figure out that it is even a thing. In the company’s quarterly statements and semi-annual presentations of earnings, there is one line with revenues. One has to go into the fine print of the yukashoken hokokusho to discover more, and if one does, one sees that it is the profitable funeral parlour business which is effectively being purchased at 0.5x book and the rest of the company is being purchased at 1x book. 

I published my original opinion in Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do? suggesting that the only way this was likely to not get done is if some brave activist came forward. I concluded…

  • This is a virtual asset strip in progress. It is the kind of thing which gives activist hedge funds a bad name, but when cloaked in the finery of “Private Equity”, it looks like renewal of a business.

  • This company is an example of why investors should be spending more time on their stewardship and the governance of their portfolio companies.

  • It is also why investors should be taking a very close look at the METI request for public comment on what constitutes “Fair M&A.”

    It is a decent premium but an underwhelming valuation. Because of the premium, and its smallcap nature, I expect this gets done. 

    If deals like this start to not get done, that would be a bullish sign. Investors will finally be taking the blinders off to unfair M&A practices.

Shortly afterwards, an activist did come forward. Long-time Japan activist Yoshiaki Murakami bought 5% through his entity Reno KK, and later lifted his stake (combined with affiliates) to 9.55%. I thought the stock had run too far at that point (¥775/share). While still cheap, I did not expect Bain to lift its price by 30+% and I did not expect a white knight to arrive quickly enough.  This was discussed in Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms

The New News

In the wee hours of Monday 18 February, with 11 days left to the Tender Offer, toyokeizai.net published an article (partially paywalled) suggesting that the longstanding external auditor Mr. Nakatsuji and lead shareholder Sakurai Mie (descendent of the founder of Kosaido, who originally founded a company called 桜井謄写堂 (Sakurai Transcription) in 1949, which later became Sakurai Kosaido, then just Kosaido) were against the takeover. 

THAT is interesting. And the backstory here is even more interesting. 

3. Best World (BEST SP): Not the Best Financials to Disprove The Business Times Allegations


Best World International (BEST SP) is a direct-selling company that distributes premium skincare and wellness products. On Monday, The Business Times claimed that it is difficult to verify Best World’s strong sales in China based on “an unimpressive online and offline footprint.” On the back of the Business Times article, Best World shares slid 17% before the company was granted a trading halt pending a clarification announcement.

Checking the accuracy of the Business Times’ facts and figures is beyond the scope of this note. Instead, the aim is to analyse alternative financial metrics to judge if Business Times’ allegations have some substance. Overall, our analysis suggests that Business Times’ claims have some substance and investors should not be so quick to dismiss it.

4. M1 Offer Unconditional as Axiata Tenders

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Friday 15 February after the close, the Offerors for M1 Ltd (M1 SP)announced that their Offer had been declared Unconditional In All Respects as the tendered amount was 57.04% and the total held by concert parties was 76.35%.

Axiata Group (AXIATA MK) made an announcement to the Bursa Malaysia that it had accepted the Offer as required because it was a significant asset disposal. The reasoning for the disposal was that given the long-term view required because of changes in the Singaporean telecom market structure and the inability of Axiata to exert management control, the disposal fit within Axiata’s portfolio rebalancing strategy and would serve to mitigate short- to medium-term risks associated with the changes in the Singaporean market.

Going unconditional has triggered an extension of the Closing Date to 4 March 2019 at 5:30pm Singapore time (our estimate pre-Offer Despatch was closing of 7 March).

If you are going to tender, you might as well do it now. Consideration (the offer price) will be despatched to those Shareholders who have already tendered within 7 business days, and those who accept the Offer starting now will get their funds within 7 business days of the Offer acceptance being validated.

5. Hansae Holdco/Sub Trade: Huge Divergence Now, Sub Price Rally Should Be Resisted Here

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  • Hansae Holdco/Sub duo is giving a very wide price divergence right now. They are now at -227% of σ. This is a 120D low. Holdco discount is 50% to NAV. Sub is 55% of the sub holdings and 60% of Holdco NAV. Sub has made a run lately mainly on improving outlook. Local long-term funds have led the recent Sub buying. They like Sub’s 4Q results. They also expect this trend to continue at least for this year.
  • Valuation wise, Sub price is at a little over 17x PER on already adjusted FY19 earnings. This is pretty much in line with the yearly average in the past 3 years. Sub price rally should be resisted at this point. Holdco/Sub price ratio is at the lowest in 120D on a 20D MA. It has also fallen to near 2 year low.
  • Local short-term money managers do not seem to be joining the current Sub buying. Shorting on Sub is still at a significant level (nearly 10%). I’d make a trade at this point. I’d go long Holdco and short Sub for a short-term mean reversion. Again, Holdco liquidity can be an issue to some of us.

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