
Brief Event-Driven: Nexon Valuation Analysis and more

In this briefing:

  1. Nexon Valuation Analysis
  2. WABCO Confirms Being a Takeover Target of The Private German Auto Parts Maker, ZF
  3. Taisho To Launch Another DHG Pharma Tender
  4. Samsung Electronics Share Class: Long 1P / Short Common on Falling Memory Prices
  5. Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA

1. Nexon Valuation Analysis

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In this report, we provide a valuation analysis of Nexon Co Ltd (3659 JP). A key question is “How much are investors willing to pay for Nexon which would drive higher EV/EBIT multiples and inversely reduce the earnings yield (measured by EBIT/EV)?” 

In our view, we believe that investors would be comfortable with earnings yield (measured by EBIT/EV) of about 7-9% given the risks of operating a global game franchise such as Nexon. This would suggest EV/EBIT of about 11x to 14x, using 2019 estimates. Our sensitivity analysis suggests that at the top end of the EV/EBIT valuation range of 14x, this would imply market cap of 1,905 billion yen, which would be 21% higher than current market cap. As such, despite Nexon’s share price rising 25% YTD, we think there could be further upside in the months ahead. 

Having digested plethora of public information on this deal (but not privy to all the bankers’ discussions) in the past several days, we believe that the US based companies including Amazon and Comcast are better positioned to acquire NXC Corp/Nexon, rather than the consortium led by Tencent. 

We believe there is an intense Chinese government pressure on Tencent to not do this deal. (This is just our guess based on public information). The game industry is not strategically important to China, unlike other industries such as semiconductors, energy, or financial. Depending on how much controlling stake Tencent wants to take, it is likely to involve several billions of dollars ($4 billion to $7 billion for Tencent, for example). This is a lot of money. Plus, China Inc’s balance sheet is not as strong as pre-GFC of 2008. Forking over $4 to $7 billion out of China into Japan/Korea would be meaningful. In short, although Tencent would like to do this deal, we think that behind the scenes, the Chinese government appears to be putting intense pressure on Tencent to not do this deal. 

2. WABCO Confirms Being a Takeover Target of The Private German Auto Parts Maker, ZF


Last morning the listed brake supplier, Wabco Holdings (WBC US) confirmed that it is in takeover talks with one of the leading auto parts suppliers in Germany, ZF Friedrichshafen AG. Following the news of being possibly bought by a private company, WABCO’s stock surged almost 10% during the day, reaching USD130.5 by the day’s close.  This positive market reaction for WABCO was purely based on its confirmation about having preliminary takeover discussions with its rival company, ZF. There were no further details released on the possible deal price or about the plans that either company has after the takeover. Further, ZF in a news report stated that no decision has been taken yet and that it was the preliminary discussions that were being done. However, we do note the following:

  • ZF is known to have made such strategic acquisitions in aiding the long-term development of the company. A similar strategic move was made by ZF back in 2015, when it took over TRW Automotive Holding to expand its exposure to sensors and electronic components.
  • In June last year, ZF stated in a news report that it is not prioritising interest in brake suppliers, as its focus is to pursue investments in developing components to support next generation technologies and reported its plan to further invest more than EUR12bn into e-mobility and the autonomous driving field. This could indicate that WABCO takeover discussions may involve reasonable price discipline from ZF, and we would note that ZF had previously desired to acquire Wabco for about €6-8bn. However, we believe that the buyout does look attractive for both companies, especially for ZF, given the possible synergistic effects that could support ZF’s next gen technologies.
  • In the last go around, ZF had just completed its acquisition of TRW and the balance sheet made a further large acquisition difficult. Now, much of the additional debt from the TRW has been digested and although levering up again could place considerable financial pressure on ZF in the short term, the company’s history makes up believe that it has the capability to handle any such pressure once synergies kick-in and restore its balance sheet in short order.

3. Taisho To Launch Another DHG Pharma Tender

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After the close on 28 February 2019, Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings (4581 JP)announced it would launch another Tender Offer, this time to purchase up to 21.7% of the Vietnam-listed DHG Pharmaceutical Jsc (DHG VN) a.k.a. Duoc Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC.

On 3 July 2018, the company announced that it had received approval from the State Securities Commission (SSC) to raise the foreign ownership limit to 100%, with official disclosure of it going into effect 4 July. Shortly afterwards, Taisho launched a Tender Offer to purchase 7.06% of the shares outstanding of DHG, with the intention to get to 32.00%. Taisho registered to buy more shares last autumn, and bought a further 925,200 shares on 20 February to bring their stake to 34.99%, and now they intend to move to 56.69%.

This next one threatens a much higher minimum pro-ration, BUT it is at the same price as the last one, and while this is at a significant premium to a one-month or three-month average trading price, it is less than a 3.5% premium to Wednesday’s close of VND 116,000/share.

More below the fold.

4. Samsung Electronics Share Class: Long 1P / Short Common on Falling Memory Prices


  • SamE Common/1P price ratio gap is again above +100% of σ on a 20D MA in favor of Common. Deepening concerns about memory chip price hammered both SamE and Hynix yesterday. But SamE 1P couldn’t capitalize. 1P fell even further, almost reaching 120D high in Common/1P price ratio in favor of Common.
  • We’ve recently heard rebounding demand for memory chips. This has pushed up both SamE and Hynix lately. Improving fundamentals coupled with the March AGM cycle factor have consistently supported SamE Common/1P price ratio above +0.5σ on a 20D MA since late Jan. This optimism is now facing a serious challenge probably for the first time since late last year.
  • Opinions are still heavily divided on memory chip business outlook. The concerns reignited by the falling price news would be here with us in the coming few weeks at least. This’d outweigh even the March AGM factor. 1P starts placing itself ahead of Common. I’d go long 1P and short Common now. I’d hold onto the position until -150~200% of σ. This is a 5~6% yield.

5. Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA


Merck KGaA (MRK GY), the German pharmaceutical and chemical company, gatecrashed the Entegris Inc (ENTG US) merger with Versum Materials (VSM US) the morning of February 27, 2019, with the announcement of a $48 per share cash acquisition proposal that was presented to Versum’s board of directors that same day. Versum, which was spun out of Air Products & Chemicals, Inc (APD US) in 2016, is a global provider of solutions (Materials and Delivery Systems and Services) to the semiconductor and display industries.

On January 28, 2019, a day after the WSJ broke the story that Versum and Entegris were in talks, the companies announced a $9 billion (combined value) merger of equals whereby each VSM share would receive a fixed exchange ratio of 1.12 ENTG shares, resulting in VSM holders owning 47.5% of the combined company and ENTG holders owning the other 52.5%. The deal was well received with both companies’ shares climbing steadily since the announcement.

However, these best laid plans took a Teutonic turn when the other Merck (Merck KGaA, the German pharmaceuticals and chemicals group unaffiliated with Merck & Co Inc. (MRK US) of the USA) threw its hat in the ring.

According to Merck, its Executive Board unanimously approved its proposal and is fully committed to pursuing the transaction. Merck said it is prepared to proceed immediately to due diligence and negotiations and to quickly agree to a merger agreement. It further stated the completion of the offer will be subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of necessary regulatory clearances.

The $48 per share proposed price is a 51.7% premium over VSM’s January 25, 2019 share price just prior to the announcement of the Versum/Entegris merger and a 15.9% premium over VSM’s closing price on February 26, 2019.

The ball is now in the VSM board of directors’ court and below we’ll look at how the board might react and where the chips may fall.

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