Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: What the Bull Case Looks Like and more

In today’s briefing:

  • What the Bull Case Looks Like
  • Steno Signals: The Usd Liquidity Cushion Is Alive and Well
  • FOMC Preview: Party Now, Pay Later

What the Bull Case Looks Like

By Cam Hui

  • While the short-term breadth and momentum indicators like the percentage of S&P 500 above their 20 and 50 dma exhibit negative divergences, the percentage above their 200 dma has resilient
  • We interpret these readings as the S&P 500 may need a period of consolidation or pullback within a longer-term bull trend.
  • However, the best opportunities are to be found within cyclical stocks and in non-U.S. regions.

Steno Signals: The Usd Liquidity Cushion Is Alive and Well

By Andreas Steno

  • When the TGA is built up due to T-bills issuance, the ON RRP usage drops
  • Net/Net it meanas that USD liquidity keeps printing at more benign levels than anticipated by many
  • The USD liquidity additions will continue throughout February and March

FOMC Preview: Party Now, Pay Later

By Cam Hui

  • Ahead of the February FOMC meeting, our base-case scenario has changed to a cyclical and reflationary rebound in Q1 and Q2.
  • The rebound is led by the prospect of China re-opening its economy and the positive liquidity effects of the U.S. Treasury’s extraordinary measures to avoid default.
  • As the inflationary effects of the China re-opening become clear, the Fed will have to reconsider its rate pause and possibly raise rates by late Q2 or early Q3.

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