Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: Steno Signals #108 – A messianic Donald and more

In today’s briefing:

  • Steno Signals #108 – A messianic Donald
  • The Week At A Glance: Another inflation shocker in the UK paired with a rebound in US retail sales?
  • The Week That Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – Delfi the Chocolatier, Second Chance Property, and Jollibee.
  • Oil: An Unsustainable Uptick?
  • Political Upheavals Fail to Curb Markets’ Appetite for Risk
  • US June 2024 Retail Sales Preview – A Possible Turing Point for the Economy
  • Energy Cable: Copper Prices Are Too High!
  • U.S. Oil and Gas Rig Count Continues on Downward Trend
  • Mega Copper M&A Manoeuvres
  • Regional Economics: Services or Manufacturing, Where Does the Future of Growth Lie?

Steno Signals #108 – A messianic Donald

By Andreas Steno

  • Happy Sunday from Copenhagen after the atrocious assassination attempt in Pennsylvania late Saturday.
  • Trump was apparently struck by some fragments but managed to raise his fist and greet his supporters in a strong show of defiance as he was escorted off the stage.
  • This incident will undoubtedly dominate the campaign in the coming days and weeks, transforming his appearance at the upcoming Republican Convention into a near-messianic event.

The Week At A Glance: Another inflation shocker in the UK paired with a rebound in US retail sales?

By Andreas Steno

  • Morning from Europe! Remember that we release our “Week at a glance” publication instead of the “Something for your Espresso” every Monday before lunch-time.
  • Our aim is to digest the release calendar in an actionable way and assess the risk/reward around the macro themes in the context of the economic release calendar.
  • This week, we will focus on the US consumer (Retail Sales), UK inflation (CPI) and the EUR rates (ECB meeting).

The Week That Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – Delfi the Chocolatier, Second Chance Property, and Jollibee.

By Angus Mackintosh

Oil: An Unsustainable Uptick?

By Alastair Newton

  • The Opec secretariat has made a bullish July forecast for oil demand, which deviates from the industry’s near-consensus.
  • The industry’s consensus is more aligned with the International Energy Agency’s assessment.
  • Given this, the recent increase in the price of Brent crude should be approached with caution.

Political Upheavals Fail to Curb Markets’ Appetite for Risk

By Said Desaque

  • European financial markets have been remarkably calm in the wake of political upheaval, particularly in France. Continued weak potential GDP growth lays the foundations for capital migration to the US.
  • US political turbulence has not unnerved financial markets, despite inflationary implications of President Trump’s agenda. High retail investor participation in the rally in US equities is sending a warning signal.
  • US equities are priced to perfection in absolute valuation and relative to inflation. Secular valuations appear rich relative to history, suggesting a period of consolidation would be a welcome development. 

US June 2024 Retail Sales Preview – A Possible Turing Point for the Economy

By Alex Ng

  • Due 16 July, US June retail sale is expected to see a weak end to Q2 from US retail sales, with a 0.6% decline, and a 0.3% decline ex autos.
  • Industry data suggests a significant dip in auto sales though trend in autos continues to have no clear direction. Gasoline prices look set to restrain sales values.
  • June retail sales seems set to convey an end to economic prosperity and will be sending signal of an upcoming economic down turn.

Energy Cable: Copper Prices Are Too High!

By Ulrik Simmelholt

  • Takeaways: Copper diverging from its fundamentals – we continue to hold a bearish outlook as prices and positioning appear disconnected from macro variables
  • Inventories in the US are building
  • Shipping lanes are easing, and our Trump basket gives you the green light to continue in crude et. al. 

U.S. Oil and Gas Rig Count Continues on Downward Trend

By Suhas Reddy

  • US oil and gas rig count fell by 1 to 584 for the week ending 12/Jul, after rising by 4 the previous week. 
  • US oil rig count fell by 1 to 478, indicating 59 fewer oil rigs as compared to the same week last year. It is at its lowest since December 2021.
  • Despite a decline in the US oil rig count, US crude oil production matched the all-time high production of 13.3m bpd for the week ending 5/Jul, according to the EIA.

Mega Copper M&A Manoeuvres

By Money of Mine

  • BHP and Lundin rumored to be considering a joint bid for Filo Mining in the Vicuna district, an emerging copper super district in Chile and Argentina.
  • Lundin Mining owns the most advanced project, Jose Maria, in the region which is permitted and fid ready.
  • Argentina now has a supportive business regime, making it an optimal time for development in the region. Lundin Group retains a 33% stake in Filo while BHP owns a 6% stake.

This content is sourced through publicly available sources and has been machine generated. Information displayed is for general informational purposes only.

Regional Economics: Services or Manufacturing, Where Does the Future of Growth Lie?

By Manu Bhaskaran

  • Even if it is premature to proclaim the death of manufacturing-led growth, the strategy that drove the success of the East Asian miracles may no longer be easily replicated. 
  • The services sector has several advantages such as a large degree of labour absorption and continued momentum in international trade. But there are other limitations. 
  • There is little need to place all of a country’s eggs in a single industry’s basket; the menu of policies that are beneficial to both is not a short one. 

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