Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: Steno Signals #107 – The 3 indicators you NEED to watch on recession risks and more

In today’s briefing:

  • Steno Signals #107 – The 3 indicators you NEED to watch on recession risks
  • Macro Regime Indicator – Growth is the dark horse in July..
  • Portfolio Watch: Not worth betting on a recession (yet)
  • Concentrating on Concentrates
  • June Themes and Thematic Portfolio Review
  • US Oil Rig Decline Halts While Gas Rig Count Increases
  • The Week That Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – Berli Jucker’s Big C, Matahari Department Store, and BREN
  • ISM vs Commodity Prices // Upcoming Rice Price Explosion?
  • France: Back To The Future?
  • Regional Economics: The Rise of “Intangible” Trade in Asia

Steno Signals #107 – The 3 indicators you NEED to watch on recession risks

By Andreas Steno

  • Happy Sunday and welcome to our flagship editorial!The ISM Services report admittedly made for recessionary reading, and it is not because we have been blind to such risks.
  • We just found the risk/reward in betting on them incredibly weak, and we continue to hold that view.
  • We actually laid out exactly that roadmap to a recession in Q4 2023, and correctly forecasted that the re-acceleration in cyclical sectors such as Manufacturing would lead everyone to conclude that recession risks were off the table in 2024, with a major bull run in assets accordingly.

Macro Regime Indicator – Growth is the dark horse in July..

By Andreas Steno

  • Coming into June, we wrote that the biggest “risk” was that we moved towards a goldilocks scenario.
  • While our portfolio returns have mostly mirrored that regime (outside of Crypto), we have to admit that the growth component of the equation has slowed somewhat relative to our model base case.
  • We reassess the picture on a macro level and on a quant basis in this analysis.

Portfolio Watch: Not worth betting on a recession (yet)

By Andreas Steno

  • We haven’t made significant changes to our portfolio in recent days due to a lack of conviction in the current market price action.
  • However, we are not blind to the risks currently present in the US economic cycle.
  • The job market is normalizing linearly, but the risk is that it normalizes linearly until it weakens exponentially.

Concentrating on Concentrates

By BMO Equity Research Metal Matters

  • Manganese ore, alumina, molybdenum, and chrome ore prices are up, while cobalt prices are down due to market surplus
  • Precious metals like gold are well placed and resilient, with potential for record industry profitability
  • Copper is still the best way to play the acceleration in global electrification, with potential opportunities in zinc and bulk commodities as well

This content is sourced through publicly available sources and has been machine generated. Information displayed is for general informational purposes only.

June Themes and Thematic Portfolio Review

By Rikki Malik

  • A monthly review of how the markets and our themes are currently performing
  • Analysing what went wrong and what went right in stocks and sectors
  • Highlighting positions added or removed from the thematic investment portfolio

US Oil Rig Decline Halts While Gas Rig Count Increases

By Suhas Reddy

  • US oil rig count stabilises at 479 as of the week ending on 5/July, after falling for five consecutive weeks.
  • The US natural gas rig count rose by 4 to 101, yet it remains 34 rigs lower than the count from the same week last year
  • Drilling activities in the US remain soft as upstream players prioritise shareholder returns over increasing output.

The Week That Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – Berli Jucker’s Big C, Matahari Department Store, and BREN

By Angus Mackintosh

ISM vs Commodity Prices // Upcoming Rice Price Explosion?

By The Commodity Report

  • ISM vs Commodity Prices The latest ISM Manufacturing data came in lower than expected. It almost seems like economic momentum in the US is fading.
  • But on the other hand, commodities that are most sensitive to change in economic momentum, namely copper and crude oil, remain in a sideways consolidation or in the case of crude are already breaking out to new short-term highs.
  • That price action behavior opens up a gap between both metrics, and one thing is clear.

France: Back To The Future?

By Alastair Newton

  • Despite opinion polls, the ‘cordon sanitaire’ in France has successfully kept Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National from forming a plausible government.
  • This outcome, however, comes at a high cost in the short-term.
  • The medium-term implications of this political situation are also significant.

Regional Economics: The Rise of “Intangible” Trade in Asia

By Manu Bhaskaran

  • Even as global manufacturing trade faces the prospect of “slow-balization”, trade in services shows no sign of peaking, providing an opportunity for emerging Asia.
  • While advanced economies currently dominate world services exports, emerging Asian economies have opportunities to carve out niches in specific sub-segments. 
  • Key to succeeding in this new arena are human capital, including proficiency in the English language, as well as a liberal stance towards foreign and domestic service exporters.

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