Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: Positioning For Trump 2.0 and more

In today’s briefing:

  • Positioning For Trump 2.0
  • US Financial Markets: Preparing for a Changing of the Guard
  • The One Burning Question of the Great Rotation
  • Biden Leaves Presidential Race, Endorses VP Harris; Contest to Tighten if Dems Unite
  • John Greenwood Model of Debt Crisis in Three Phases
  • Copper Tracker July 22nd, 2024: Physical/​Equity Screens And Trades, Copper Weak
  • Iron Ore Tracker July 22nd, 2024: Doing The Dance Between 95-130 USD/Ton, Use Iron Condors
  • Steno Signals #109 – What if We Are All Wrong on Liquidity, Rates and Commodities?
  • Global Commodities: 2024 US Election Watch—Reassessing Implications for Commodities Under a Red Wave

Positioning For Trump 2.0

By Cam Hui

  • The betting odds on a Trump victory in November have risen substantially, but the markets haven’t fully discounted such an outcome.
  • Investors who want to position for Trump 2.0 should seek long inflation exposure (long gold/short bonds) and short globalization (long domestic producers/short transportation and logistics).
  • Notwithstanding the growth outlook, equity returns may be more challenging as Trump 2.0 will see the S&P 500 at more lofty multiples than the P/E ratio of Trump 1.0.

US Financial Markets: Preparing for a Changing of the Guard

By Said Desaque

  • The media are universal in their belief that a second Trump presidency will produce higher inflation. Fed Chairman Powell would serve the remaining segment of his current term if elected. 
  • A further reduction in corporation tax and making the 2017 personal income tax cuts permanent are key fiscal policy goals of President Trump if elected for a second term.
  • Import substitution will raise inflation pressures unless there is supply-side transformation in the economy. Protectionism will reduce capital flows to the detriment of long-term interest rates and dollar exchange rate.

The One Burning Question of the Great Rotation

By Cam Hui

  • The stock market recently underwent a Great Rotation. Leadership violently rotated from growth to value, and from NASDAQ stocks to small-cap stocks. 
  • The reversal was accompanied by a sudden downdraft in the S&P 500. Is this the start of a correction?
  • Even though breadth indicators are improving, which is bullish, we would not be so quick to buy any dip that appears.

Biden Leaves Presidential Race, Endorses VP Harris; Contest to Tighten if Dems Unite

By Prasenjit K. Basu

  • 24 days after his catastrophic debate, and 29 days before the Democratic convention, President Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed VP Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. 
  • The latest polls showed Trump leading Biden by 3pp in the average of polls, including big leads in all seven battleground states. Harris is marginally closer in match-ups against Trump. 
  • Trump-Vance have momentum after RNC. To be competitive, Harris (if endorsed by DNC) would need to pick an exciting, moderate candidate (eg, PA governor Shapiro) and hew to the centre.

John Greenwood Model of Debt Crisis in Three Phases

By Alex Ng

  • John Greenwood, the Father of the Hong Kong Linked Exchange Rate System, has formed a model for debt crisis. And that framework is predicting monetary contraction in the U.S. economy.
  • As leveraging goes down and the monetary conditions contract, the market can experience a sharp correction in stage 3.
  • Since the monetary conditions in the U.S. easily find its way to Hong Kong through the Linked Exchange Rate System, There might be a rough outlook ahead for Hong Kong.

Copper Tracker July 22nd, 2024: Physical/​Equity Screens And Trades, Copper Weak

By Sameer Taneja

Iron Ore Tracker July 22nd, 2024: Doing The Dance Between 95-130 USD/Ton, Use Iron Condors

By Sameer Taneja

Steno Signals #109 – What if We Are All Wrong on Liquidity, Rates and Commodities?

By Andreas Steno

  • Today, I am going to address three main topics of concern for investors given the current conflicting signals from the US economy.
  • These are the key questions I will address, and I will summarize both the pros and cons of each viewpoint, including my own bottom line: Is liquidity no longer improving, but rather at risk of weakening in the coming months? Is the economy accelerating rather than slowing? Is the commodity complex heavily undervalued or overvalued?
  • The equity rotation paired with the sharp sell-off in Tech has had me thinking, and we therefore need to litmus-test every corner of our current thesis. Follow along below.

Global Commodities: 2024 US Election Watch—Reassessing Implications for Commodities Under a Red Wave

By At Any Rate

  • Shift to the right in favor of Trump accelerated after assassination attempt
  • Republican momentum challenging expectations for a divided Congress
  • Gold and oil likely to benefit under GOP control, with potential increase in demand and production respectively

This content is sourced through publicly available sources and has been machine generated. Information displayed is for general informational purposes only.

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