Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: Japan: The End of Japanification as Rising Nominal GDP Spurs Virtuous Circles and more

In today’s briefing:

  • Japan: The End of Japanification as Rising Nominal GDP Spurs Virtuous Circles
  • CX Daily: China Q3 GDP Beats Market Estimates Amid Pickup in Consumption
  • State-Owned Companies Buy Back Shares to Boost Investor Confidence

Japan: The End of Japanification as Rising Nominal GDP Spurs Virtuous Circles

By Prasenjit K. Basu

  • Ending a quarter-century of stagnation, Japan’s nominal GDP rose 3.04% in the year to Jun’23, with per capita nominal GDP up 3.51% and per capita real GDP 1.91%. 
  • With the decisive defeat of deflation, core CPI inflation was 2.8%YoY in Aug’23, enabling 21 consecutive months of YoY wage growth. The fiscal deficit likely declines to 3.5% of GDP.
  • Rebounding exports will restore a trade surplus this quarter, bolstering the current account surplus to 2.7% of GDP this year and 3.3% next. Stay overweight Japan. 

CX Daily: China Q3 GDP Beats Market Estimates Amid Pickup in Consumption

By Caixin Global

  • GDP /: China Q3 GDP beats market estimates amid pickup in consumption
  • Belt and Road Initiative /: Xi vows to further open up China at Belt and Road Forum
  • Buybacks /: State-owned companies buy back shares to boost investor confidence

State-Owned Companies Buy Back Shares to Boost Investor Confidence

By Caixin Global

  • About 50 Chinese state-owned companies are trying to bolster investor confidence by rolling out share buybacks or plans by big stockholders to expand their holdings after a series of other measures to prop up the stock market fell short.
  • China’s benchmark CSI 300 Index has dropped more than 6% this year, despite supportive government policies that included halving the stamp duty on stock trades and lowering the minimum ratio for stock purchases through margin financing in August.
  • The index gained 0.35% Tuesday.

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